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Chapter Fourteen


     Kate and I were both perched on Victor's shoulders as he walked through building after building. I chewed on my leash in boredom as I glanced around the bank we had walked inside. Smelling nothing, I relaxed. Kate was practically asleep as she lazily stretched over the shoulder pad, her head tucked into the crook of Victor's neck. I wasn't even sure if she was awake.

     We soon left the establishment and walked towards some other building I didn't care to look at. As soon as we were inside, Kate and I immediately screeched loudly. Victor and the guards following us immediately raised their weapons as the staff ran towards the safety of the doors. I fought to get loose and find the sicora I could smell, but the leash was keeping me from doing so.

     "It must be an adult sicora," Victor announced as he raised his energy weapon, "They've never act up this bad before!"

     The scream of horror from inside of the building confirmed Victor's suspicions. My instinct to flame was through the roof. I wanted it dead. Kate was the same, screeching loudly and announcing her rage to whoever was there to hear it. Victor and the men moved quickly, but cautiously towards where the screams had come from. Soon enough, I could see a female Kymari lying lifelessly on the floor and a male sicora eating her flesh.

     At that moment, something that I couldn't describe came over me, and I launched myself into the air. The leash snapped and I flew towards the sicora, releasing a line of flame upon its disgusting black flesh. It shrieked in pain and quickly jumped away from me.

     "Missy!" Victor snapped, "To fist!"

     As hard as it was, I flew over and landed on his wrist. My body shook with anger as I reluctantly climbed onto his shoulder. The sicora was quickly put down, but I didn't feel any better because I could smell another and it was rapidly approaching. I screamed in fury as the smaller sicora launched itself onto one of the guards and sunk its teeth into his arm. The guard screamed in shock and horror before shooting the reptile with an iron bolt coated in my saliva. He sunk to his knees as the sicora's venom quickly made work of him. He was going to die, but I wasn't having it.

     I knew the wonders of my venom.

     I catapulted myself back into the air and flew towards the infected man. He stared at me in shock but didn't move. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and sunk my teeth into the Kymari's neck. He yelped as I released my venom into his bloodstream. Kate watched me silently, already knowing what I was doing.

     "Victor! What is she doing?!" one of the men cried as I released my hold on his flesh. The man gasped loudly as he slumped against the wall. Immediately, I could see the color return to his cheeks and I knew I had made it in time. I released a breath as I became disoriented, my limbs failing me. My world immediately went black after that.


     When I woke up, I was being held against Victor's chest. Kate thrilled at me and nuzzled me, encouraging me to wake up. Victor gasped softly as he rubbed my back soothingly.

     "Oh good, I am glad she's alright," a voice sighed. I immediately perked up, my ear tuffs flattened and a hiss leaving me as I glanced around frantically for the sicora. I grumbled in confusion as I took in my surroundings. Victor, Kate and I were sitting at a round table accompanied my multiple elders and the guards that were with us when we fought the sicora. My eyes immediately found the guard I'd saved and I sighed in relief when I saw him standing off to the side, his neck and arm covered in bandages.

     I became nervous as I realized that all eyes were on me. Immediately I was on edge. They couldn't be happy that I had bitten a Kymari. I buried myself in Victor's chest, not wanting to face all the eyes that were on me.

      "It's okay," Kate softly spoke into my mind, "They're not mad at you."

     I peeked up at her, relief filling me when I saw her eyes. Turning my head, I glanced around at the table of men and women who were all regarding me with awed expressions.

     "I would have never thought a direct bite from a fire lizard could save those bitten by sicora," one of them spoke, "During our many years of research, I'd never thought we'd see the day that there was something that could cure someone of the sicora venom."

     If I were human, I would have been blushing furiously.

     "But how did she know?" one elderly woman asked, "None of the other fire-lizards have ever attempted this before, and these two were in the wild, so they couldn't have been trained."

     The woman turned towards me, her eyes narrowed, "How did she know how to save him? How did she even know her venom could save him? It's almost as if...." The woman trailed off as one of the Kymari elders sighed. I immediately recognized him as the man who appointed Victor as a fire-lizard handler.

     His face became serious as he looked at everyone in the room, "What I am about to tell you must not leave this room. Not under any circumstances should this conversation to be repeated by anyone. Anyone who breaks this will be facing serious consequences."

     I wanted to scream. I creeled in distress as I pleaded with him with my eyes not to tell anyone else Kate and I's secret. Victor rubbed my back soothingly.

     "Do not worry, no one here will hurt you," Victor murmured as he tightened his hold on me.

     "It is as you suspect, the fire lizards are not mere animals. They are highly intelligent and can understand us as well as you can understand me."

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