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Its been one week since I am staying here. Everything is very nice here especially Grey family. I am still akward with meeting so many people. Right now I am going to Mr. Grey's office as he has called me. I am wearing my dad's hoodey and my mom's capery. They are bit oversized but I feel comfortable with them as my parents scent consumes me when I wear them. I very rearly meet with the Grey family as most of the time I am confined to my room Reading and taking my online classes. The moment I entered there I saw whole Grey family sitting in the office and Mr Grey sitting on a chair behind the office table. He had tense face just like the way my father used to have whenever he wanted me to do something.

"Good Morning Edmund." I said with a smile on my face.

"Morning Raven"

"Raven we want you to stay inside your room till night and we don't want you to come out of your room because some dangerous wolves has been sighted in our area and the people from our tribe are going for their hunt. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all Edmund. Just when the hunt is over please call me and all the best for the hunt. I hope I could be of some help to you."

Then Tiara said

"Raven you are helping us a lot because we don't want any risk to your life."

"I understand Tiara. "

Then I turned towards the twins Marc and Marcus and said them

"When the hunt is over I want you guys to take me to sigh seeing. I hope you guys don't mind."

"Okay our sweet Ravey. "

With that I went towards my room and started waiting for their call. I could hear some wolves howling but I wasn't scared. I just acted the way my Mom told me to act in these kind of situtation. I plugged earphones into my ears and hightened my senses as I know the hunt is not of some common wolves it is of rouge werewolves.

I know who they are and what I have to do till my parents come and get me.

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