Chapter 6, Unknown number

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This day is officially the third worst day I've ever had

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This day is officially the third worst day I've ever had.

Number one should be pretty obvious. And number two was when I fell in front of everyone in first grade and got called 'Monkey Panties' for the whole year because I wore my damn monkey panties and flashed when I fell.

When I get to Jessy's Ford, I thank whatever gods are listening for the fact that she's waiting for me.

"WHERE WERE YOU?" she yells.

I groan because of course the day can get worse. "I got kidnapped and then left to walk in the rain and then almost strangled to death and then saved and then had a chocolate milkshake and then finally got dropped off here. This day isn't even done yet and already I've had to slap two guys across the face," I rant.

Jessy stands there, blinking.

"Well," she says, "I'm not sure what to ask first."

"Can we please just get back home? This day needs to end."

Jessy finally sees that I'm not in the condition to get interrogated and instead we get into the car. I know by the pained expression she has when she starts the car that she noticed the red marks on my neck.

"I heard by Lara that you got carried off by Blake, but Lara's a gossip-bee so I wasn't sure what to believe. I guess that at least answers the kidnapping part. Was he the one that did that?" she asks and points at my neck. "Did he strangle you because you talked back at him this morning?"

"No. He kidnapped me because he's a perv and when I rejected him, he left me to walk all the way back. Okay, maybe I left him to walk all the way back. We were at the docks and because bad-luck is something that just comes with me, I ran into a couple of guys that were about to shoot this other guy..." I explain and Jessy goes quiet.

"I couldn't let them do that," I continue, "I couldn't let them shoot the guy. It just felt so much like when I let those guys shoot my mother... So after shouting at them, they chased me and strangled me. And here's where the bizarre thing comes in. Owen Rhodes and his gang shows up and saves me. But Owen, just like Blake, is a perv and when he made a move after dropping me off here at school, I slapped him," I conclude.

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