Chapter 14, The party

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I shove Jessy into the house and dive in after her

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I shove Jessy into the house and dive in after her.

The last thing I want to do is run into Blake or Owen at this party. Considering that this is a pretty big house, I might have some luck. Ugh, who am I kidding? Luck and me is like pizza and seafood. They just don't go together.

When inside the house, it's the smell that hits me first. The music is deafening, I get that, but the smell of cigarettes and alcohol is a lot stronger than I expected.

Plain Jane has a massive foyer where teens are screaming to be heard over the music. Jessy and I make our way through the living room - that has turned into a make-out room. When we get to the dining room, we have to duck from wild kids and ping-pong balls, because it's not a party without beer-pong.

While we're squeezing our way to the entertainment room slash dance-floor, people are all slurring up some greetings.

"Hey, Jessica!"

"Whoa, it's the new girl!"

"You want a drink?"

"Let's party!"

"Want a cigarette?"

Jessy says hello to everyone while we're pushing to get through. My responses stay curt and in the lines of: 'Someone's popular. Yes, I'm the new girl. Not from you. You get started. Hell to the no.'

The entertainment room is all about grinding and shouting and pumping your fists into the air while the DJ is spinning some music that I would never even attempt to dance to. I'm an 80's music kinda gal.

"HUNT TO LET A THINK?!" Jessy tries yelling over the music.

"WHAT?" I shout back.




"Mont to wet a wink?!"

"WANT TO GET A DRINK!?" she howls with laughter.

"Ooooooh! YES, I WANT A DRINK!" I laugh right back.

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