Let's get straight to the point

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Gabe had always thought that scenes in movies where the main character walks in, and literally everyone goes silent and turns to stare at them were stupid and unrealistic. Sure, a few people might look at them. Maybe even most of the class. But it wouldn't be absolutely everyone. That was before him and Quent walked into first period biology, holding hands.

Now he wondered how those characters had coped. In real life, all he wanted to do was run away from all the burning stares. Or have a heart attack. He probably would have if Quent hadn't been there. But Quent was, and so he just stood at the entrance to the classroom, absorbing all the stares like an attention seeking sponge.

Luckily, they sat next to each other for this period, and so they just casually slinked to their seats, while the rest of the class just carried on studying them as if they were a new science experiment that was far more interesting than the last one about different kinds of leaves.

It wasn't until third period that someone plucked up the courage to talk to them. And that was blond, bitchy bigmouth of the school Lacey Jacobson. Who also happened to be Gabe's ex girlfriend.

"So it's true then, all the rumours about you two being gay?" She asked, obnoxiously chewing on her bright pink bubblegum.

"Yes," Quent answered defiantly.

"Woooooow." She said, drawing out the word far longer than necessary.

"That was a pretty shit idea, coming out the closet in out school. Kudos though." She observed, still chewing her gum.

Quent was thrown a little by this response. It wasn't exactly what he was expecting. She seemed very...unsurprised.

"You don't seem particularly shocked," Quent stated.

"Well no. I dated Gabe for three months. And he still refused to sleep with me. There was clearly some kind of rational explanation, so this makes a lot of sense. I had a whole list of reasons why: he was dropped too many times on the head as a baby, he has some kind of sight condition I don't know about, he got brainwashed from a television programme when he was four, he..."

She carried on listing more ridiculous reasons, while Quent wondered how a person could be so completely self absorbed, and Gabe wondered why he had ever thought dating her was a good idea. Even without this, Quent was clearly so much better. He didn't have to bend down to hug him, and most girls just felt so fragile, like he'd break them if he squeezed too hard. And there were no annoying boobs pushing into his chest and getting in the way. There was just a toned chest, a six pack...and he was going to stop there before he went too deep into his fantasies.

Unfortunately, Lacey wasn't the last person to talk to them about the recent developments in their relationship. The real challenge came while Quent, Gabe and Dav were quietly eating lunch together in the cafeteria. In the form of...The football team.

For Quent, it wasn't that much of a shock when the entire football team, minus him, Gabe and Dav stalked over to them in lunch. In fact, the most surprising thing for him was that it hadn't happened earlier. He knew that at some point the football team was bound to have something to say about their new relationship.

For Gabe, not so much. And so when the football team stomped over and stood right in front of them, he went through his usual course of action in highly stressful situations. He totally freaked out. But, since he had trained himself to not freak out at school (because it kind of ruined his cool image) it was all internally. He did this by constantly singing "Do you wanna build a snowman?" in his head.

"Let's get straight to the point," the leader of the group, the burly linebacker George Carlin said. Despite his pretty face, he had a reputation for being a mean homophobic asshole.

"We seem to have heard a few...interesting rumours about you two. And we don't want no faggots on our team. Come on Captain, you can't be serious! You can get any chick you want, so how the hell can you go for a guy? It's not natural. It's a terrible decision, but everyone makes mistakes, so if you just put this behind you and go back to the way you were before we can avoid all this trouble." George pleaded.

The look in his eyes was conflicted. He hated homosexuals, but he didn't really see Gabe and Quent that way. They were still his teammates, his captain, and those ties are hard to break. He had looked up to Gabe for a long time, and so he couldn't just turn on him without proper reasoning.

"Well, for one thing, your whole argument was basically bullshit. Yes, we are together, and no, we're not going to change that just for some bigoted brainless jerks. Plus you used a double negative, so it didn't even make sense. We can't just 'Go back to the way we were before" either, and we didn't decide this. You're either gay, or you aren't, you can't just choose which one you want to be. And have you ever kissed a guy? If you've never tried something, you don't have the right to decide whether it's right or not."

The footballers were starting to shuffle their feet a little uncomfortably. But they weren't fully convinced, so Gabe joined in with his argument.

"Well, to be honest, I'm not totally on board with all this homo stuff either. I've always kind of known that I liked guys, but it's always been something I shied away from cause I didn't want to think about it. That's one of the reasons I dated so many girls, I was trying to get away from it all. But you can't run away from who you are forever, it only makes you miserable. I'm not suddenly a whole new person just because I'm dating a guy now. In fact, it just makes me more manly because now I'm standing up for the way I feel, and that takes courage.

I'm not running any more, just because someone who doesn't even know me has decided the way I feel is wrong. Who are they to tell me I can't be with the person I want to be with? Fuck them. This is who I am, and nobody can change that, not even me. And as my team you should support me, simply because I'm your captain, and I always will be no matter what. You don't have to be totally comfortable with it to start off with, but I don't deserve you spouting shit about me because of some invisible barrier between us you made in your head. We're a team."

Quent looked on at Gabe proudly. This was why he was a leader. Not because of his looks, or his abilities or his sports skills. He was in charge because he could take a whole group of people not willing to listen to anything he had to say and make them shut up, and think. Quent could go on about their rights and double negatives, but he couldn't truly speak to them like Gabe just did totally naturally.

All of the footballers were looking totally awkward now, and Quent could hear them muttering things to each other in low voices. Because at the end of the day, footballers were sheep. They did what the coach told them to do before a game, they did what the captain said during a game, and they did what the unwritten social rules told them to do after a game. So when someone started to break those rules, it made them panic. And when someone with power told them in a strong, authoritative tone to do something else, they did it. Because that was what they were used to, what they were good at, following orders.

Hello! I think this is on time, but I really can't tell anymore.

Watch this thing (you know, if you're bored and feel like it. You don't have to.) It's ten minutes long and it is amazing. I think I put in a link, but I really don't know. Computers just confuse me most of the time. Either way, type Robotica robotics in to YouTube and It'll come up. Just a cool thing for my readers to do if you want.

Link is here: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T_97_FZWFjE

(If it doesn't work you could always copy and paste that into YouTube. And someone can tell me how you actually put links in.)


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