Jealous, are we?

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Chapter 19

"So...where do we go from here?" Gabe asked, occasionally looking behind him worriedly. They hadn't seen anyone pushing them yet, but they were bound to be put there somewhere. Quent (who was driving) had taken a few odd routes and turns to throw them off, but he wasn't sure that would be enough.

"Well, first of all we need to find a place to hide. Somewhere they won't think of to look for us. We can't go to either of our houses, they'll look there, and we can't go to school. They'd probably check at Dave's house as well, they're bound to know we're friends with him. We either need someone we can trust enough to tell them our secret, or stupid enough to believe anything we tell them. And they've got to have a big enough house for us to be concealed in. Any ideas?" Asked Quent.

Gabe thought for a minute before suddenly he thought of the perfect person to hide them.

"I've got it! Trust me, this person will swallow whatever we say. And I have their number right here," Gabe said, producing his mobile phone.

"You're sure about this?" Quent asked  apprehensively, as they stood outside the enormous house, poised to knock.

"I'm sure." He replied, giving the door a firm tap.

"Come in!" Squealed Lacy Jacobson, blonde hair tied in a complicated bun.

Awkwardly, Quent and Gabe shuffled into the house. They sat down on an elegant white leather sofa, with Lacey across from them on another couch.

"I knew it. Nobody else took me seriously, but I could see through it all. You really were involved in a government experiment, and you so you wouldn't sleep with me because you didn't want me to see the marks. I knew there was a rational explanation."

"There's also the fact that I'm... GAY. The government didn't do that." Gabe added.

"Well no, obviously they didn't MAKE YOU GAY. Now that I think about it, THAT was pretty obvious anyway." She sighed, "Your hair is too styled for a straight guy."

Self consciously, Gabe reached up to touch his hair, and wondered what she was talking about.

"But that still isn't a concrete reason not to sleep with me. I mean, I would still sleep with you now. You're hot, and I bet you're great in bed. I mean..."

"Okay, well nobody is sleeping with anyone, right now we have bigger problems," Quent interrupted.

"Jealous, are we?" Lacey mocked, kicking off a full scale argument between them.

Gabe sighed. This girl was really too much. Lacey had always been a bit of a loose cannon, but it had got worse when they broke up. Although she seemed totally confident and always sure of herself, inside she wasn't like that at all. Her bounciness was her shield, a way of protecting herself. Gabe knew that she'd been in a bad relationship with her last boyfriend, and so she didn't have much self-esteem. That was why she was so obsessed with sleeping with him, to prove to herself that she was worth something.

On top of that, her home life wasn't great. Her parents were away a lot, so they didn't really spend much time with her. She was head cheerleader, so she was at almost every game, centre of attention yet Gabe had never seen her parents at one even once. And despite all of her friends and admirers and popularity, she was lonely. Gabe had done his best to help her out, but what she really needed was a proper boyfriend that could love and take care of her properly.

"Can you two just shut up?" Gabe groaned, silencing the two who had been furiously bickering. "And Lacey, can we use your computer for a bit please?" Gabe asked.

"Of course. I need to go to my zumba class anyway, so I'll see you guys in like, an hour? If you go out, leave a note." She answered, flouncing out the door with a sports bag over her shoulder that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

"Why do we need the computer?" Quent asked, following Gabe upstairs to Lacey's room where her laptop was.

"Well, I think that before we do anything else, we  should find out more about  these thefts I apparently committed. If we know what happened when and how, then maybe we can find out a reason it couldn't have  been us and this whole thing can be over.  Either  way we should  know the facts." Gave explained.

"Wow," marvelled Quent. "You've actually  thought this through. I'm impressed. Usually your head revolves around football and pizza."

"And you," Gabe added, making Quent blush slightly.

Lacey's room was...interesting. It was large, but it didn't really have that much stuff in it, and that gave it a kind of empty feeling. The walls were plain white, and there was nothing on them whatsoever. The laptop sat on her too-large bed, and a wardrobe crouched in a corner. There were no personal touches; the room could have belonged to anyone, and it didn't have that contented, lived in feel that gives a place warmth. It was as cold and faceless as the mirror hanging on one wall.  

Quent felt kind of sorry for Lacey having to sleep there. But that didn't mean he liked her. He strolled over to the abandoned laptop and switched it on, opening up Google and starting to type into the search box.

"Mystery thief strikes again" Screamed the headline. Quent raised his eyebrows, and continued reading.  "Yesterday afternoon at 5:00 Thursday 14th April the thief only know as 'the shadow' swiped a priceless ancient vase in broad daylight. There was, as with the last few incidents, no evidence of a break in, and police are left baffled. There is..."

"Wait," interrupted Gabe, cutting him off. "That date sounds familiar."
Leaning over Quent, he clicked off the tab and went on to one that was already open; Facebook. After flicking through for a while he found it. The picture of them kissing in the coffee shop. The date that it was posted said Thursday 14th April, and in the background you could just see a clock that said 16:40.

So they got out alright, but what now? There's stilll lots of questions unanswered, and they can't just move to Canada because although that's probably the bes idea, that wouldn't be much of a story.

I'm very proud of how much I've updated recently; now I know where I'm going it's much easier. And also I aimed for this to be done by the time school started, but since that's in less than a week that doesn' tseem very likely.




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