Chapter 18

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Luke would like to describe the night as ominous and dark, because that's definitely what he associated with the feeling he was getting. The reality was that night was perfect; the sky was clear, the moon was shining vividly, and the temperature was great, but that fact that he was flying in a small plane with his boyfriend(?) to a dark island to face some unknown, god-capturing entity kind of killed the mood.

After he had realized that Zeuss wasn't going blast him out of the sky, Percy fell asleep, and Luke wished he was able to do the same. The boring landscape of the Canadian shield, and later, the smooth waters of the Hudson Bay, weren't the most interesting features to look at for over three hours. The navigation system said that they would reach the island in about 15 minutes. The long flight had given Luke plenty of time to guess what was waiting for them on the island, and none of the guesses were very pleasant. After all, they were dealing with something that had the strength to capture a god, what kind of monster could do that? Maybe it was a titan, Luke speculated, or some ancient god, a primordial being that even Chiron wasn't old enough to consider an option. He was angry at the gods for sending them to do this, surely it would be easy for them to get off of their ambrosia-filled asses and save Cupid themselves, how could they expect three -two now- demigods to fight something that strong? How could they care so little about the boys? He wasn't even as angry about them sending him, he was angry about the gods endangering Percy.

He tried to calm down, he could feel another headache coming on, and he needed to try to stop it early. It didn't work. The stupid things were getting so frequent, he'd have to stop by the infirmary when they got home and see if they could prescribe him something.

The island came into view, he circled, searching for a place to land and any signs of activity. There were neither, but luckily, that wasn't a problem, because just as he was about to wake his sleeping partner up, they were knocked out of the fucking sky.

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