Chapter 21

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Percy POV

Percy sat on the floor of the cage, staring at the door that Luke walked through. In his fit of rage, he almost missed the sound of the room's new occupant laughing. Almost.

"What the fuck is so funny?!" He screamed at the man sitting across the room.

"Oh nothing," he said with a sarcastic laugh, "it's just, you're going to feel so stupid in a minute, especially if this all works."

"If what works?" He questioned the blond man. "Who even are you?"

"Wow, I mean when my mother told me about you, she said you weren't bright, but she didn't say you were a fucking idiot," he said to a glaring Percy. "I'm literally the person you came on this quest to rescue."

"Eros,"Percy gasped, interrupting the god.

"No, I'm Medusa," he rolled his eyes, "of course I'm Eros, I just said that, there was no need for you to interrupt me to point that out. Now do you want to know what your blonde dreamboat of a boyfriend in there wants you to do, or not?"

"He's not my boyfriend, he betrayed me."

"Wow kid, you're thicker than Dionysus's gut; I'm literally the son of the Goddess of Love, I could tell that he still loves you, plus you know, he gave you that warning when he walked in." Another eye roll. "Now, he slipped me a note, and I want you to refrain from talking until I'm done reading it to you, then you can pull your foot out of your mouth.

The note says, Perce, I'm so sorry for this, I do have a plan to save you, but it involved gaining Annabeth's trust. Now knowing you, you definitely said something mean when you saw me, but don't worry, love, I forgive you. Now for the plan (which I'm mildly disappointed that you haven't figured out, O' Son of the Sea).

The cavern you're being held in is actually under the ocean. Now that I've pointed this out, you can probably feel the moisture in the air. Use it. Being the son of Poseidon, you should be able to condense it and freeze it in the locks to break them. Do the same with Eros's cage -but it won't work with his cuffs- and then the door. Unless you pulled it when we came to deliver Eros, you should still have your sword, you'll need it. Now the facility isn't exactly crawling with monsters, but you're 7 floors underground, so you will encounter some as you ascend. When you get to the ground level, pull the fire alarm at the top of the stairs then get in the supply closet down the hall. I'll take care of Annabeth and then come to grab you and Eros so we can escape. You have to be fast though, Hades's servants are on their way. Good luck Percy, and I really am sorry. I love you."

Percy was overcome with joy. Luke wasn't a traitor, he still loved Percy, and Percy wasn't going to die.

"Well wasn't that just the most adorable way to find out that you just made a complete ass of yourself."

He was beginning to really dislike Love's son.


"Why is this taking so long?" the god grumbled, "this is like the only thing you do, shouldn't you be good at it?"

Percy was almost fed up with the young god, and was seriously considering freezing the water particles inside Eros's brain. He doubted it work though, immortals get to be annoying for eternity. "You see, you oversized man baby, the door is a lot thicker than the cages, so it requires more water than was already in the room. Do you know what that means?"

"Wow, the 11 year-old is actually lecturing me."

"13 actually."

"Big difference. What does it mean?"

"It means that I am having to pull water down through 15 feet of rock, which takes some time."

"I'm just worried, Kelpy," the god says cynically, "you don't have much time before your delivery people arrive, and I don't think you're lucky enough to escape them without the Huntresses."

"Well, maybe, if you actually shut your mouth for more than 15 seconds,  I could get done faster."

An hour and a half later, Percy finally managed to get the door open. He heaved it open and shook the now-sleeping man awake.

Percy drew his sword and stepped through the door, Eros in tow. He was expecting rock walls, but it was closer to a hospital. The corridor was constructed of white, metal walls. It was devoid of any doors, there was just a stairwell at the end of the hall.

"It's really quiet," Eros said, breaking the tension, "when they brought me down, there weren't that many monsters, but you could still hear them, now it's just silent."

"Well, maybe they're just on the upper levels and too far away to hear."

"No, really? I just thought that fucking floor swallowed them."

"I really do hate you, Eros."

"The feelings mutual, sea brat."


They made it all the way to the ground floor without seeing a single thing, and while that had felt like a blessing, now it just felt ominous. There was an feeling in the air, like an intake of breath, suspense. Something needed to happen soon.

"Ok," Eros says, pointing to the wall, "there's the alarm, pull it and meet me in the closet. Surely you don't need directions back into one of those, Mr. Bi-curious."


Percy pulled the alarm and turned to follow Eros to the supply closet. He stepped into a pile of gold dust and almost into the head of a bronze spear.

"Perseus," the bitch with the stunning grey eyes mocked, "I'm impressed, but unfortunately, you won't be going anywhere today."

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