A Cup Of Comfort

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After a hot shower, Hanami stood before the mirror braiding her hair to keep them from spreading about. Her fingers had a nervous energy in them. Sometimes they'd reach to tug at the hem of her dress, sometimes adjust the collar and often tug at her bangs. In the end, she sighed and rested her forehead against the cool surface of the mirror.

A soft knock on the door, startled her. Hanami's gaze flickered towards the door and she noticed the shadows cast by shuffling feet from the space beneath it.




"Please come into the kitchen for coffee."

She noticed the stiffness in his voice. ​​​"Oh...yes,"she said, staring at the door, and waited for the shadows to recede and footsteps fade away.

While Arata Miyama was busy at the counter, Hanami observed her new surroundings. A kitchen with modern amenities and a homely feel to it. Wooden cupboards and cabinets lingered with the smell of oil polish. Neatly aligned crockery in the glass partitioned cupboard brought to mind soldiers ready to march. Everything ranging from small spoons to pans was arranged in order. Not what she had in mind for a bachelor's apartment.

Apart from the shuffling of her feet, the plip plop of the liquid pouring into the bottom of a cup and the tick tock of a clock on the wall there was no sound and so when the man finally spoke a word, she started.

"Here."Mr Miyama said, forcing a taut smile. He placed a cup of coffee before her and took a seat across the table.

She nodded and helped herself. The sweet fragrance of coffee was a welcomed pleasure after the tiresome day. In absolute silence, the two newlyweds remained seated, looking into their cups, lost in thoughts.

Perhaps weary of the uneasy hush, Mr.Miyama looked at her. "You are a teacher aren't you?"

"Yes," She peeked up. "It's been half a year since I started."

"Which school?"

"St.Maria High school. It's right across the city, not much far from here, I think."

"I see."

"You, Mr Miyama? I heard you were in a senior position at a reputed company."

"Not any reputed company."His lips lifted up in the corners. "I am the chairman of Izanami Corporation."

The brown eyes fixed on her, expectantly, waiting for a reaction but the arrogant tone had somewhat irked her. She only gave a nod and focused on her cup. It seemed to bruise his pride. He pressed his lips and looked away.

Clock hands slithered through the distance between 10 and 11 at an excruciating slow pace. Yet the two remained perched in their seats, playing with the cup in their hands perhaps dreading what retiring to bed might imply.

With every tick of the clock, Hanami felt her heart beat out a faint thump. She peeked up at the man through the corner of her eyes, waiting for him to say something but Arata Miyama remained quiet. He stared ahead into space, lost in thought and when he looked up, their eyes met.

He tipped his head towards the clock."It's late now."

Her gaze remained glued to the table, unwilling to meet his.

"Well then... It's about time, isn't it?"he said.

She raised her brows as if to question 'Time for?' He only tapped the surface of the cup. Her eyes darted towards his hands. She wished he'd stop making so many movements. It was disturbing.

He sighed. "For bed, of course." She looked at him, taken by surprise.

​"You must be exhausted. It has been a long drive after all."

"Yes, that's true."

"I was the one driving so I'm exhausted as well." Mr Miyama sipped his coffee, watching her. She saw a smile hiding behind the rim of a cup. Was he mocking her?

Hanami looked into her own cup, now lukewarm, and tugged at a charm bracelet strung around her wrists. When she twirled a bead between her fingers, the metal chinked creating a soft sound. The sound brought to mind a sweet summer, burnt dry leaves and days spent under the eaves of her home in Kyoto. Her mother would put on the Kanzashi during festivals and when she walked, small bells swayed. 

Her musings were interrupted when she looked up and caught him staring at her. She blushed and shifted in her seat, resuming her stiff posture while the man cleared his throat and looked away, equally embarrassed. He grabbed the cup before him, deposited it into the sink and turned towards the exit with a curt 'Good night' thrown her way.

​​​​​​Hanami watched Arata Miyama's back disappear into the hallway and relief washed through her.

Sitting in the same position for a long time tensed her muscles, adding to the ache of a long ride. With a deep sigh, the woman slouched into the chair and stretched her arms. She let her gaze as well as her thoughts wander. Things had turned out to be much different than she had expected. Either Mr Miyama was being polite to her only till the blush was off the rose or he really was man who, given a chance, still did not take advantage of a woman.

For the first time since she had stepped into the apartment, she felt at ease and the tensed knots in her chest slowly came undone. Letting out a leisurely sigh, Hanami took a long swig of the lukewarm drink, washed the cups in the sink, placed them on the counter and stepping out of the kitchen, turned towards her room with a relieved smile.


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