Shared Coffee

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Hanami stepped out of her room, comforted by a warm shower. She heard the buzz of television in the drawing room and beelined towards the kitchen. There, to her surprise,Arata was cooking. Unlike her, his movements were sure. There were no broken egg shells or stinking burnt oil spilled on the counter. Amused, she stood in the doorway watching him. He hummed a slow song she didn't recognize. It took him a while to catch her lurking about and when he did, his shoulders stiffened. The humming too, ceased.

"Do you need help?"she asked.

The man shook his head. " I'm almost done."

Hanami dropped into the chair and continued watching him. His broad shoulders moved with a graceful movements beneath the shirt.

"So, first day... How was it?"

"It was fine." She answered, surprised he'd bothered asking, "I met an old friend after school."

"Hm," he nodded as if asking her to continue though he no longer looked interested in the subject. Instead he threw a question,"You were living in Tokyo weren't you? Away from home. Why?"

"I left home to-- I thought,"she paused. She still did not know whether it was merely anger directed at her father or a wish to get away. Arata glanced at her.

She focused on a salt dispenser on the table. "I found a job here."

"You could have found one in Kyoto."

"Yes, but I chose this one."her voice turned curt. He gave her a look and fell silent. Hanami regretted it immediately.

"Your family is in Kyoto as well, isn't it?"she asked, trying to smooth the crease in the conversation, "and you are here."

"Mr.Miyama and his family have an ancestral home in Kyoto. I prefer Tokyo."

She blinked. He called his father 'Mr.Miyama'? It was known that he was an adopted heir but the complete detachment was something new to her.

Once the lid of the saucepan was lifted, a mouth watering aroma spread throughout the kitchen. Hanami looked at the plate served before her with amazement.

"What is this?"

He tapped his nose twice, looking proud. "My secret recipe."

"It looks delicious."

"It tastes delicious too."

She smiled and took a bite. Chicken. Spice and some tangy sauce. He wasn't wrong.

"None of the men in my family cook."she said, "father thought it was a woman's job."

"If you want to eat, you should know how to cook. It's simple as that for me." He pushed the chicken around in his plate before breaking it into smaller pieces. "...How come you don't know how to cook then?"

Hanami blushed. "I do know but it never turns out good." She caught him smirking and turned redder. "I make some mean ramen noodles though."

"Yes, of course. It's an art to take off the cover and pour hot water in a cup."

"I change the seasoning!"

He choked with laughter. She hid her face behind a hand. After that they ate the meal in silence, neither looking up at the other.

"How was your day?"she asked, rising to make coffee so she could escape his gaze. The coffee mugs were high up and the short stool she could climb up on was nowhere in sight. Noticing this, he drew closer. A long arm stretched out against hers and took out some of the mugs.

"Thank you."

"Mhm... Office was okay."


Silence again. This one filled with fragrance of after dinner coffee.

"And?"she asked, holding up a yellow mug.

"And what?"

"What else did you do?"

"I came home."

She mused, "No going out with friends and all that?"


Leaning against the counter, the man took a leisurely sip of his coffee. When they glanced at each other at the same time, they shared a pleased smile.

"I love coffee."

"Me too...I suppose that's one thing common."he nodded, gazing ahead at the scene of slightly messy kitchen. By his side, Hanami stood staring at some far point in space.

That was the only thing common, she thought.


You and I [Completed!]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora