18 || December 17th, 2017

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Aurora || Parker





"Are you okay? Where are you? What are you doing?"

"I'm on...my bed. I can't move, I can...barely...breathe. I h-hate my mind w....hen it's l-like this."

"Parker! Okay..? W-what do I do? How do I help?"

"I just wan....ted to hear...your voice. Talk about s....omething, anything, I'll j-just listen."

"Oh! Okay umm..."


"Okay! Okay! Okay, just talk? I've got this, I can do that. Easy peasy. I talk all the time. If talking was an Olympic sport, I would get a gold medal, you know, or like a diamond medal or something, like I would be so great they had to come up with another level of like, prestige to give to me, if-if that made any sense."


"Or like a platinum medal, or a plaque, or like a 40 foot tall statue....but yeah."




"Right! Keep talking. So, uh, today my cat attacked me when I tried to cuddle with her. I think she hates being shown affection."

"...C-can't relate."

"Oh, oh! I almost burned down my house trying to make spaghetti today."


"My dad nearly had a heart attack. It wasn't my fault though, I barely looked away from the counter and the next thing I knew, something was on fire!"


"It's fine though. Also! Also, the elementary school in my town put on a play, Peter Pan. It was so cute, I really loved it. Wendy forgot her lines halfway through though, and she just stood there shaking until someone from the crowd yelled out her lines. And one if the Lost Boys started crying near the end, but otherwise it was flawless."


"Have you ever seen the stars at night? It's so breathtakingly beautiful."

"I l-live....in....New York."

"Oh...but still. They're gorgeous, you really have to see it."

"They're...just giant....balls of...gas, Aurora."

"Okay, you know what, Parker, if you're just going to-"

"But...not as big as my...a...ppreciation for...you. Th-thanks."



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