28 || January 11th, 2018

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Aurora || Parker || Paul

"Parker! Finally! I've been waiting for you to call me and--"

"Hello? Who is this?"

"...You're not Parker."

"No, I am not. Who are you, and why are you calling my son?"

"Your son?"

"Well, my step-son."

"You...you're Parker's step-father?"

"Yes, I am, and who are you?" 


"Are you that girl he's interested in?"

"I--heh, yeah, has he told you--?"

"Well, it's so nice to finally meet you! I have to say, you've made my son very happy, Samantha!"

"Thanks, I...wait, Samantha?"

"Are you not Samantha? Are you another one? Forgive me for forgetting, but he doesn't save any of his contacts."

"What are you--"

"Is this uh, Sydney? Jennifer?"


"Alexis? Marissa? Grace? Susanna? I believe he mentioned a Paulina earlier too..."


"Oh! Are you that nice Spanish girl that came to our house yesterday? Man, those tamales you brought over were amazing! I forgot to ask for the recipe though, can you---?"

"...I'm not the Spanish girl who came over yesterday."

"You're not? He's mentioned a couple of girls recently, a lot of girls in fact, and I'm getting old, so my memory's not what it used to be. Remind me of your name again?"

"I don't think we're talking about the same Parker. He wouldn't-"

"Parker Hollowell, right?"

"Well, yes..." 

"Ah, let me guess. He's told you that I'm a horrible, abusive step-father who beats him up and has ruined his life after his mother died. Now, he's depressed and on the brink of suicide? Oh, god, please don't tell me he went as far as pretending he was calling a suicide hotline?"

"No, I wouldn't say he..."

"The depression thing is a scummy trick he uses to get girls. I'll give it to you straight. I tell him it's a horrible thing to do, but hell, all of the girls I listed have called in here in the last week, wondering how he's been, wondering if he needs company, in more ways than one, if you catch my drift." 

"You're--I don't...no, he wouldn't..."

"I mean it's almost clever, invoking that 'I've got to save him!' response in women. And bam, he's got 'em hooked. Genius, but morally disgusting..."

"I don't know what you're trying to do here, but---"

"Listen, darling, you didn't seriously believe a stranger could fall in love with you over the phone? I mean, c'mon, you can't be that naive. You've hardly had, what 20 calls?"

"I...how did you..."

"How well do you really know him? Do you know anything about him? His profession, where he lives, his personality, anything but that he's a charming yet depressed man?"


"Sweet girls like you should be more cautious, you can't be trusting everyone these days. Do you know what he looks like? What kind of person he is when he's not talking to you?"


"You don't. I do. I've housed him for years, paying for his bills and clothes and food and this is how he repays me, huh? I've had to drag his drunk ass home at 3 in the morning. I've had to apologize to people when he destroyed their property and assaulted their loved ones. I've had to pay for countless therapy and talk sessions."


 "I'm broke because of him, but...I owe it to his mother to always care for him. And I will, no matter what lies he spreads about me."


"If I were you, I'd stay far, far, away from him. Seems easy enough since you don't live in the same state as us, heh."


"...Maybe you should redirect that care and affection to someone who deserves it. Because my troubled child, sure doesn't."


"Ah, that's done. She'll thank me one day..."

"Uh, who are you talking to?"

"Somebody...but it's a nobody to you now, Parker."

"...What did you do?"

A/N: Sorry for the long wait!

Who saw this bombshell coming? 🙋🏾🙋🏾🙋🏾 I did. 

Who do you believe, Paul or Parker? 

The story's almost to an end, though so I'm feeling emotional, like I'm sending a child off to college. Make sure to vote and comment so I know what's going on in yer heads. Thanks for reading!!! <3<3<3

The Suicide Hotline | ✔︎Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz