Part 63 - Morning

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Apollo Arthur Hamilton

The sound from the alarm is very annoying it makes my eyes fluttered open, i blink a couple times before turn around and found the bed is empty.

"Lana?" My morning voice is calling for her but there's no answer.

I walk into the bathroom and knocked on the door,

"Lana?" I called her but there's no answer.

I slowly open the bathroom and found that the bathroom is empty, i walk out of the bedroom into the living room and found out that she's not here. I got back into the room and her stuff is gone,

Shit shit

This thing isn't going to happen,

I began to dial her number but her phone is not active, my hands are on my head thinking what's going on.

"No no no no" i said as i see a white letter is laying on the night stand.

I open it up harshly and almost ripped it into pieces,

To : Apollo Hamilton

I'm sorry,
I know this isn't the best way for you to wake up in the morning, but I can't take it anymore. Knowing that your boyfriend cheated on you and acting like it is okay all the time.

I saw you with Kayla that day in your house and it breaks me into pieces, i keep crying all the time. What she said to you is right, I can't give all of me to you. But she's wrong when she told you that I don't trust you, well i trusted you but that trust broke since i see both of you kissed that day.

I know We should've talk about it not running away like this, i was waiting for you to confess but it hurts me to wait for you to do it. It hurts me every time you said you love me without feeling guilty.

I think there's nothing you want to explain to me, so what if we ended it up here? Besides you're going to go to Harvard which you're going to be so far away from me. And I haven't told you that i chose Oxford which means I'm going to go far far away from you too.

I thought it is going to be okay with a long distance but since that day, I couldn't give my trust to you. You broke it, you broke your promise.

You broke my heart.

I still love you, and it's always the truth every time i tell you that i love you. I don't know what's in your mind every time you said that, is it only a 'word' for you? I don't even know if you mean it or not.

Every memories that we made? It is going to fade just like that isn't it? Every kiss you gave me feels like a special thing for me but i wonder if is it feel special to you? Or is it just 'a kiss'.

I thought I'm the luckiest girl alive to have you.

But i was wrong.

I'm going to spend a quality time with my family and friends before I leave. I'm going to leave in two weeks to England, and i know I'm going to miss you so much.

There's so many girls out there that can fulfill your needed and probably better than me, i also feel all of these things aren't going to happen if i gave you what you want so i still feel some of this problem is causes by myself.

So I'm sorry, i love you i really do.

Avalana Skylar Valerie

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