Chapter 32

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It was less than a week later that Ariana and Jace were finally heading back home. Jace had gotten the doctor's all clear before she had but he'd stayed back with her in their private room until she'd gotten hers, only then did they leave the hospital together.

Marvis arrived to pick them up from the hospital, he'd been there to see them once at the hospital, so it wasn't anything that he didn't know about. He blamed himself for not being there but both Jace and Ariana assured him that it was just an accident which they both didn't buy.

"You comfortable?" Jace asked for the umpteenth time since she was settled in the back seat next to him.

"You ask me that one more time and you'll be back at the hospital."

Jace smiled and raised his hands in surrender.

Ariana was glad to see he was back to his usual self, minus the suit. He was dressed down in a simple casual look which she couldn't help but notice made him look somehow more attractive. She wasn't sure if she preferred him in a tailored suit or that way.

Jace turned to find her looking at him and he raised a brow at her,
"Anything you want to share?"

Ariana looked away from him as quickly as she could,

Jace smiled and Ariana could tell he was smiling without having to look at him. He leaned in closer to her,
"You don't have to hide anything from me," He whispered into her ear, "Especially if it's about me."

Ariana turned away from the raindrop-stained glass and turned to look at him but realized later that it was a wrong move because he was close.

"You are one egotistical pain in the ass."

"Your ass I hope," He smirked,

Ariana almost sighed but looked away, instead, when all she wanted to do was flirt back. She shook her head mentally to ward off thoughts regarding him and enjoyed the sound of the rain against the car and watched as the drops trickled down the window.

Ariana tried to suppress a yawn but it escaped.

"Marvis, please step on it." Jace requested.

"Yes sir." Marvis stepped on the gas.

"We're almost there." Jace said to her, eyes on his phone.

Ariana turned to look at him and stopped to just take in every detail. She leaned her head against the headrest and watched him. A moment passed and she noticed the smile on his lips.

"You have to be more subtle about your actions Green, or someone would actually think you like me."

Jace paused for a second before he turned to look at her and she didn't turn away from his piercing gaze. Instead, she returned his smile and shrugged. She saw the tick in his jaw and his gaze got even more intense as he let out a sigh, his smile gone.

They finally arrived at the house after what felt like a lifetime on the road when it was a few minutes. Marvis pulled up in front of the entrance and got out to open the door for Jace.

"Thank you, Marvis for giving up your free time to pick us up."

"Anytime sir."

"I'll call you when I need you," Jace said, "Take the rest of the time off."

"Are you certain sir?" Marvis asked him

Jace nodded,
"I wouldn't be going to work anytime soon."

Marvis seemed unsure but he nodded before he left.

"Can you please..." Ariana began but stopped when Jace looked at her inside the car.

She sighed, not used to asking for help or for a personal favour.
"Can you please get my crutch?"

Jace just gave a small boyish smile before he closed his door and went around the car through the back to get her crutch from the trunk, and while she pushed the door open, he stood there.

"Thank y..." She stopped when she noticed he wasn't with her crutch. "Where...?"

She was stunned into silence when he reached into the car and slid one hand behind her and another beneath her legs and picked her up bridal style. He pulled her out and shut the door with his feet.

"Do you mind getting the door?" He asked when he got to the entrance.

All Ariana could do was stare at him as he carried her into the house, through the hall and up the stairs, through the...

Wait...what? Up the stairs?!

"Uhm...Jace, my room is downstairs."

"Not anymore." He headed down the narrow hallway through one of the doors.

All Ariana could do was stare at him, silently enjoying being in his arms. Large strong arms that carried her with no strain. She wasn't aware they were already in his room until he placed her gently on the left side of the bed. He pulled away the covers from underneath her and stretched out her legs before placing the covers over her.

"Comfortable?" He sat down beside her.

Ariana nodded.

"You're staying here from now on. It'll make things easier for the both of us."

"For you maybe," She said, "How do you expect me to go down the stairs with a crutch?"

"That's what I'm here for," He smiled, "I'll carry you anywhere you need to go."

"Thank you, Jace, really, for everything. But the doctor gave me a crutch for a reason, he didn't give me you."

"But I'm providing myself," he smirked, "I'll be at your service 24/7."

"What about your work?"

"I'll work from home."

"Wouldn't that affect the company? Besides, you don't know how long it'll take for me to get back on my feet, you can't put off going to the company for however long that would be."

"As long as you're here," he said, "We have to train, remember."

"Oh, I do." Ariana looked away.

Silence filled the room.

"What if I need to use the bathroom?"

"I won't look."

Ariana snapped her gaze at him with a raised brow.

"Or listen." He added,

She raised her brow higher and he sighed.

"I think it would be better if you weren't even there at all," She said, "Which is why I need to be in my room."

"That is out of the question," he said, "You're staying in my room."

Ariana sighed inwardly.
"I really don't like feeling helpless." She murmured,

"You're not," he said, "Just think of it as an undercover OP where you have to play the helpless victim."

"But it's all real."

He touched the side of her face and caressed her,
"It's's all real."

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