Gandalf x daughter reader x boromir

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Gandalf Shouted as he drew his sword and raised his staff together and he slammed them together.

Gandalf battled the Balrog for hours it seemed when it was merely minutes. Screeches where heard and overpowered the helpless cries of the hobbits.

As Gandalf defeated the Balrog the Balrog's whip wrapped around Gandalf's ankle pulling him down. His staff fell below and then he muttered a few words and out of thin air a dragon appeared.

The dragon was of different blue and purple with white dots on the underside of its wings making it look like stars had been thrown onto her wings

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The dragon was of different blue and purple with white dots on the underside of its wings making it look like stars had been thrown onto her wings. Her eyes where a gold yellow with teeth as sharp as meat hooks and her claws where like swords of diamonds. Her wings could put Smaug's to shame.

Her powerful jaws parted and a light of silver, gold, blue, and purple erupted from it slamming into the Balrog's wings making it shriek in pain.

Gandalf was helped up by the hobbits as they pulled him to his feet and they fled the cave into the day light.

"Gandalf your staff." Frodo said breathy. "She will get it." Said Gandalf. "She?" Asked Sam. "(Y/N). The dragon." Gandalf said making all the fellowship go wide eyed.

"Who is (Y/N)? I mean to you?" Asked Boromir. "She is my daughter." He said. "She was found in the nest of a Dragons. She was mere seconds from death when I saved her." Gandalf said as a thunderous boom came from the cave. It sounded like the dragon had been slammed into a wall.

A booming roar echoed and then silence.

Inside the cave (Y/N) has been thrown into the wall and then roared and pounded on the Balrog both tumbling down the ravine and (Y/N) used her talons to part the Balrog's mouth shorting her breathe of lightning into his throat and roasting him from the inside out.

The Balrog turned to dust as (Y/N) slammed into the water her impact on the water sending a wave hundreds of feet into the air and a loud splash cane after.

"What was that?" Asked Aragorn. "That was...water a believe?" Gandalf said confused.

(Y/N) swam to the bottom grabbing Gandalf's staff then flying back up till her wings could be heard outside the mountain.

She walked out of the mountain she was tall and slender about 50 elves stacked on top of each other.

Her wings had long marks that you could see through and blue blood dropped from them. A long mark across her face making her blind in one eye and in her right talon was a staff Gandalf's staff which she dropped and then she started to fall.

During that she turned into a woman that looked like she lived in Mordor for hundreds of year and hadn't seen the light of day in hundreds of years. Which was true.

Gandalf rushes forward picking (Y/N) up. "(Y/N) I thought you where back in Mirkwood with Thranduil what happened?!" Asked Gandalf flustered.

"Ada....orcs came they stormed Mirkwood took me prisoner. Saurman put a spell on me so that as long as I was in his dungeons I couldn't use my magic and the things they did to me. They violated me, tortured me." (Y/N) said.

Boromir watched the woman speak she looked like a saving grace to him. The ring was the farthest thing from his mind.

"Go, go to Lothlorien, get help from Galadriel." Gandalf said gently. "No! I will not be away from you again. I have no trust left in me, but with you." (Y/N) cried into her father's shoulder.

"This quest is dangerous (Y/N)." Gandalf said. "Even with you magic you stand but not a chance against-"
"Sauron is now weak. He thought it would be fun to toy with me. But now-" (Y/N) said and lava dripped from her fingers. "We can end this now." She said. "I can destroy the ring. But be quick."

Frodo brought the ring to (Y/N)'s finger tips and let the ring vanish as the lava melted it away.

Suddenly (Y/N)'s hand went limp and so did her body as a trail of blood came from her back and when Gandalf reaches his hand where the blood came from he pulled out a scale a scale from her own body that the Balrog has torn off and shoved into her back.

"No, no no no. (Y/N)!" Gandalf's Shouted as he cradled his daughter.

Even though Boromir had not known (Y/N) he still felt a connection with her and in his head he heard, "Boromir, it is me, (Y/N). Carry on with the journey meet me in the valar. I will see you there love." That's is what he heard in his mind.
He then felt a soft pressure applied to his forehead then it disappeared. He only assumed it was her spirit kissing his forehead.

When Boromir fell he meet (Y/N) in the valar, like she promised and they lived happily till the end of time.

Gandalf still grieved for his daughter and Boromir but he instantly knew that they where connected.

A/N: okay so I'm not that big of a fan of Boromir but he still deserves some lovin.

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