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(More of a rant then a story.)

It's a strange thing, isn't it? For some it's the end of their education but for other's it's not. Then again...for some, they couldn't make it this far.

This isn't going to be one of those "Ooh you did it, now the world is at your finger tips!" Kind of, this is to make you know what you accomplished by giving a shout out to those who couldn't graduate with their classes. Some people didn't have it easy. There are some who became so busy that school became too much trouble. Having to support their family for whatever reason, or maybe they missed to many day's of the year to graduate, or maybe their a young lady who got pregnant. I'm not going to pity them, pity doesn't help anyone but it's not over for them. They can still get their GED even if it's to late for them to graduate and it still counts the same way. But to those who finished...just....think about it. Think about what you learned and what happened this year. Now think about what'll happen next. I'm not talking about work right now, I'm talking about driving past your school in August... Doing whatever it is you're doing now and you see students walking into Toma maybe the first day of their first year... Or the first day of their last. That's pretty heavy to me, for those freshman it's the beginning of a new experience, honestly for me my first year was lonely for awhile until I met my friends that would be like family. But for those senior's, it marks the beginning of the end and then their in the same boat as you...think about that.

I think that during those years, highschool is our entire world and a constant thought in our mind's and that's part of what motivates those school shooter's and bully's. They don't fully realize that there's an entire world outside that campus. To those who died...I'm sorry it happened, I know your not reading this but to those who lost somebody deer to them... there's not much I can say to you other than I am sorry for your loss.

The end of highschool isn't the end of the world, sure it's uncertain for many if you, that's including me but my superintendent has a saying. "It doesn't matter what you long as you do something." I think, those are wise words from him because while working you can get a sense of the world that you didn't have before and discover your path. The end of high school is just a new beginning, maybe and uncertain one but still a beginning to the rest of your life, a vast sea of choices...not chance's, choices because chance's can only come if you make the choices that lead you to them and maybe you'll make a bad choice's that close a few chance's but there's more out there for you to find. So while I'm out there making the choices that shape my chances I'll be hoping you make the choices that lead you to great chance's and then I hope you take those chance's. Maybe those chance's won't turn out so well but then you'll be wiser and when the next chance arises you'll make better choices.

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