Disgraceful Encounter

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Kyra Bishop, a shy and timid girl who can be a bit jumpy at time, this isn't because of any old paranoia its because of an attempted armed mugging that ended in a case of PTSD, averagely shes a lively soul who faces life with a smile despite her issues but without her friends or trusted family nearby she became a nervous wreck. For her sixteenth birthday however her parents had gotten her Cooper, a Golden retriever trained to support her, they didn't know if he would be able to help her trauma but miraculously whenever she began having an attack Cooper was always able to pull her out of it, she began to get out more saying she Needed to see the world again and with that she had started regaining her independence.

The sun was shining as Kyra and Cooper stepped out from their home, despite her promise to her parents she had procrastinated a shopping trip for two weeks, even though the place was close by; a simple ten minute walk not even passing through any busy streets but she was still hesitant, every time she had attempted to leave the house even with Cooper she had faltered she found some reason to stay inside unless she was going with her friends as well. Cooper worked wonders for her but she still couldnt leave without him nearby. Her parents had enough though so after handing her fifty bucks her parents had kicked her out and locked the door forcing her out. We dont wanna see you until youve actually done something other then mope around! Her dad had hollered through the door as Kyra slammed her fist against it. Come on! Ive been going places and I sure as hell do not just sit around all day! She yelled in reply but her father wasnt hearing any of itprobably because when she started speaking her mom turned the television up as loud as it would go drowning out her voice. She knew she was being a shut in but she didnt care, she didnt want to be without someone

A soft whining sound tore Kyra from her thoughts along with a certain fluffy animal rubbing against her, the softness of his fur only interrupted by his service dog vest. Im okay Cooperguess I could get some soap for you since mom forgot it yesterday. As for reasons it was as good as any at this point obviously she wasnt getting back into the house anytime soon thats for sure so she turned from the door and started walking with Cooper following close behind, it was strange to her, she had traveled this same paths a few times before but every time she found it inconvenient since there was a much faster route that cut through a few roads and had people constantly but here there was only the occasional car passing by on his or hers way home. But now she couldnt stand the thought of so many people being around her, she was always a bit scared now, they never caught the guy who did it and that was a huge cause of concern to her, she didnt want a repeat, she couldnt have a repeat. She barely survived the last one as it is, that was her lucky day in some sick twisted way because a bystander had heard the one shout she was able to give out before they called the police.

She found herself glancing around her shoulders as she walked down the sidewalk, a crawling sensation would itch its way up her back uncomfortably as if someones beady eyes were staring at her. Its all in my head I have to calm down theres nobody here except Cooper. The feeling came again stronger rushing its way all through her making her startle and look behind her revealingnothing but a road; well in her defense there was a cat staring at her lazily but she didnt think the cat would have any use for fifty bucks. Cooper barks nuzzling her hand and she laughs petting Coopers soft fur. Why do you put up with me? Its a never ending cycle with me. She asks but her only response was a stuck out dog tongue and a wagging tail. With rolling eyes she started walking again this time reaching the store without another incident, she bought the shampoo and started walking back home when she heard a strange growling sound. Looking around her she couldnt find a single creature near them so she looks at Cooper to find the dog staring at herwell her stomached to be more precise, she had forgotten to eat breakfast that morning and the decision was catching up to her in the form of stomach growls. McDonalds or pizza? She asks and Cooper makes a single bark in response. Old Mickey Ds it is then! She says clapping her hands, it was a pretty good detour but she had to cross the road to get there. Of course she didnt like the thought of doing so but getting to the store made her just a little daring so she decided to risk it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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