Chapter 10~ Queen Helena

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Helena stood there, feeling like she was going to pass out any minute. She thought of every possible way to escape but there was no way to possibly escape this. There was no getting out of this... 

There just wasn't. 

So she stood there in her chambers, all dressed up for the wedding, her wedding. The fabric was stuck to her body, but no wonder... She had been so warm that the beautiful dress was completely glued to her tiny body. 

Helena could not deny it though, the dress was utterly beautiful with the white fabric and the golden patterns of flowers going down in spirals from her tiny waist all the way down to the hem of the gown. The back of the dress revealed her spine and just a bit of the shoulders. 

Helena's long hair was loose with beautiful wavy curls falling down to her back lite a waterfall, two braids along the sides and one at the top which was braided all the way down. 

She did feel very beautiful indeed, there was no question. The big and beautiful tiara on her head was probably the most valuable thing she had on her, well... In Helena's case, the most precious thing to her was the pretty bracelet she'd gotten from Jon. 

The sigil of house Stark was on the bracelet, a memory that they were still Stark's bound by their father. 

"Milady! What are you doing? You should be going!" A maiden behind her said, a girl who had helped her with her dress. The maiden herself had been very scared to ruin Helena's dress, it not only looked very expensive, but Helena imagined it was more expensive than anything she had ever worn before. 

Helena looked at the maiden and nodded. "I will.. In a moment!" The maiden nodded but still dragged Helena along with her down to the exit of the castle.

At that moment,when Helena opened the door and the sun started shining on her face she saw something very unexpected.  

Thousands of people. She saw thousands of people cheering and smiling, calling out her name as if she was a hero... Not knowing how to react other than being as surprised as ever, Helena started to smile slightly. 

"They didn't cheer as much when Joffrey came out," someone said quite close to her. Helena looked at her left and saw Theon smiling at her, handing her his hand. Helena smiled, happy that he was here. 

Helena walked down the stairs, towards their ride to the Great sept of Baelor where Helena's wedding would be held. She felt like she wanted to die, but resisted in doing so. Helena had to look like she was pleased, that was the way to play. 

"Theon..." Helena said as she smiled and waved to the people, still hearing their cheers. Theon looked at her for a second then smiled back to the people. 


"Why are these people cheering for me?" she wondered, not smiling any longer. 

All so suddenly, Helena was in a carriage along with her siblings, including Theon. That's when he started to speak. 

"They're cheering because of the rumors." Theon said. Helena furrowed her eyes. 

"What rumors?" 

"You haven't heard?" Arya asked, looking as cute as ever with her little braid. 

"Obviously not." Helena said confusingly. Robb looked at Theon with a straight line as if he was dumb for taking it up. 

Sansa rolled her eyes, probably thinking it was a dumb rumor. But whatever it was, Helena wanted to hear it.

"It's about-"

"Sansa." Robb warned. 

"Go on, Sansa." Helena almost commanded, giving Robb a look. Sansa saw the tension between the two, but went on.

"There's a rumor about you being their destined Queen." Destined Queen? What does that even mean? 

"What makes them think I'm their destined Queen?" 

"Your eyes." Robb said, almost angrily as he rubbed his temples. Helena looked like a question mark. 

"What about my eyes?"

Robb and Theon gave an exchanging look, a look that meant they had agreed to something. Helena hated it. 

"In Winterfell, we're used to it...Winterfell simply thinks you have the eyes of a beautiful being, but people here like to dream of hope."


"They think you're their savior, that you've been sent by the Gods." 

"Because of my eyes-" But Helena could not speak any longer. Despite how short it may have seemed, they were already at their destination. 

The door to the carriage was opened and Helena had been so caught in her own thoughts she didn't even notice when she walked in to the Sept of Baelor, she was suddenly just standing there, seeing her father and every other noble in the room. 

And at the front, at the very fucking front, was her betrothed. 

The way he looked at her was as if he'd seen a ghost or something, but somehow admiring it. 

Helena walked, keeping her eyes pierced on Joffrey. 

She was about to marry a man that she did not love, a man that would make her unhappy for the rest of her life... A man that would never bring a smile to her face. Helena wished, she so dearly wished, that this was all a dream. 

She didn't even have to pinch herself this time. This was real. 

Because before she even knew it, she was announced Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and people in the Great Sept of Baelor were cheering as Joffrey Baratheon kissed his wife and his Queen. 

Queen Helena Baratheon. 

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