Chapter 25~ Dracarys

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Devrys' POV;

The hardest times for Devrys must've been back at the castle when he had to endure Elly's screams and pleas for Joffrey to stop. Of course, many times he had wanted to just burst in and kill Joffrey for what he did to her. 

He could not stand any man at all hurting her... It drove him insane. But seeing her fight the dothraki, just like he had taught her, made him proud for he knew that he could always protect her. 

The day Devrys came to the castle he knew that Lord Stark had hired him because he knew that Devrys would never betray someone of his kind. But each day, seeing Helena and spending time with her and talking to her, made him realize that he did not only protect her because she was the daughter of a Targaryen Prince and potential King. 

She was in fact just a girl who he happened to fall in love with. 

He loved her. 

He loved everything about her! Her smile, her laugh, her beautiful eyes, her courage and strength and charisma. 

Helena was a lovely woman and no matter what man she chose, he would always love her each and every day, being pledged to her till the end of his days. 

"They both deserve to live in a castle of gold." Jorah suddenly said, looking at Helena and Daenerys from a distance. The two of them were inside the tent, sitting side by side as men came to greet their new Queen. 

"I don't think that's what Queen Helena would want." Devrys said, standing in the hot sun. Of course, he tolerated heat more than normal humans, he was a Belaerys after all. His House had been the strongest of Old Valyria, with dragonriders braver than anyone of this time. 

"Then what would Queen Helena want?" Ser Jorah questioned just as Devrys arched his brow. It was an easy question, he knew Helena very well. Not better than her brothers and sisters, but still very well. 

"She would want her family back together in the North, what's left of them at least. She never has cared about any throne or power, ser Jorah."

"I am sure she doesn't," ser Jorah agreed. "She risked her life for mine."

"A Queen does not risk a life to save her reign," Devrys said, telling him what Helena had said. "If anything, she will risk her own life for the people."

"Wise words."

"Helena's words." Ser Devrys said quickly, knowing that Jorah should get the full picture of his Queen. Obviously, Helena had earned quite the respect for killing three dothraki men in less than two minutes. 

"Tell me, ser Devrys," ser Jorah said. "What is it Helena wants from the Wall? She told Daenerys that she wanted to go to the Wall." 

Devrys looked at Helena, knowing that Helena was trying to reach out to her brother, trying to get him to know that everything had gone to Hell. Meaning, Helena did not plan on staying here either. 

"Helena has no Queen she intends to follow," ser Devrys said. "She is her own ruler, she does what she wishes-"

"The Wall," ser Jorah interrupted. "What does she want from the Wall?" 

"She wants to reach out to her uncle Benjen and her twin brother. She says that she cannot fight without their help and that they'd help her knowing their family is in trouble and-"

"And knowing she has dragons bigger than the Khaleesi's." ser Jorah finished with realization. And indeed, Helena's dragons were bigger than Daenerys' dragons. 

"But she's a Targaryen so I don't really understand why she thinks-" But Jorah was quick to interrupt him.

"Ser Devrys, Helena grew up in Winterfell," Jorah said. "She grew up with the cold and above all, with the Stark's. Her biological mother is a Stark and the man she called a father was also a Stark. Helena knows nothing but the North." 

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