Chapter 19 - Insider

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It had been 3 days since I was released. Ed and I were such lovebirds. I wish we truly were, but this was still just an illusion. When I got time, I would pay Zack's father a visit. Of course, he was wondering where his beloved son would be. And being a wonderful friend I was, I lied telling the old man he joined a campaign in another state to urge the community to value the pride of Islam, a religion most of us were in. He was surprised, but in a good way. I took care of him just like Zack joked me to. Because old folk's home? In his dream.

Ed brought me to his company on the 4th day. And even into that room. Everything went well. He introduced me to some of the staff - which were not robots, thank God - and even jokingly requested me to be one. I wasn't sure if I wanted to sit straight in front of my computer without being observant of my surrounding though. That's not very tempting. I just laughed at the joke.

Also, I found out the most important thing. A thing which Zack had mistaken about.

Yes, the room was important. Or should I say, seemed important. The technologies were futuristic, they're definitely something Ed would proudly show me, but it's all physical. I figured the contained he showed, somehow, connected to the computer outside - most likely his.

Oh and if you wonder, the room only contained a transparent keyboard and big, huge 3D screen. And a part for specific hologram. There's a switch, and I'd been searching for where I could put the virus (drive) later but there was none. After making some research about the technology, it turned out that one of that kind most likely didn't stand on its own. Meaning, it's connected with other computer.

Which I guess, just made my work easier.

Right now I was in a café, thinking about how do I steal the company's information. Everything was in Ed's computer, but can I go near it without him being suspicious?

I closed my notebook and sipped my cappuccino. Placing it down, the café's little bell tinkled, signing a customer just came in. My eyes darted to the woman. She seemed familiar. She turned around searching for a suitable seat when our eyes met.

Louisiana. Ed's secretary.

Just then, my head formed a plan. I thought she was going to greet me with a bright smile like she did at the office, but for a moment, I saw hesitation in her eyes. After seconds only that she smiled, and continued to settle on a seat rather far away from me.

What was that? My gut was telling me something was wrong. Normally, I wouldn't have gone to the person who I knew didn't welcome me, but today I did the exact opposite.

"Assalamualaikum, Ana." I greeted her with a smile.

She wasn't expected that, replying my salam with a low tone.

"Are you by any chance waiting for someone?" I asked.

"No, I don't." She answered honestly.

I smiled again. "May I sit here?"

Again, she's quite surprised. "Sure."

I took a seat in front of her and noticed her eyes darted to the window, as if avoiding from meeting mine. They didn't seem dislike nor annoyed. More like... terrified.

I wet my lips, thinking about my next words carefully. "How have you been?" I asked like an old friend.

"Good. Great." She nodded, still with the awkward smile. "I'm sorry, I really didn't expect to meet you - or anyone I know, here." She said.

"I can say the same for me." I replied. "But here we are." I chuckled to brighten the vibe.

Her coffee came just as I finished my line. Muttering "Thank you," to the waiter, she gratefully sipped her drink. Her fingers stayed around the cup as she put it down. Eyes were still looking outside the window.

"You come here often?" I asked.

"Yes. I mean, no. Only if I need some time to relax myself." She stuttered.

"Coffee indeed is a great choice, isn't it?" I asked.

She only answered with a flat smile.

I let out a small sigh at the uninterested responses. "Ana, I apologize if my presence bothers you or makes you feel... uncomfortable, for whatever reasons. I just thought that we can renew our acquaintances since our meeting at Ed's office. But this is probably not the right time." I said.

I was about to get up and say goodbye when she suddenly voiced out. "How can you choose him?" Her eyes were still not looking at mine.

I canceled my intention to go. "Excuse me?" My brows furrowed at the question.

Noticing me stayed on my seat, she finally eyed me. "Don't you know anything he had done?"

Oh I know, alright.

"He acted like such a gentleman in front of you. He's not. Raelyn, he's a monster." Her voice was quivering as she whispered the last words to me. Which was good for her because Ed could still eavesdrop from my phone. I hadn't changed it to a new one so that he wouldn't be suspicious, but my movement were also quite limited.

And at this moment, I didn't want to put another human being at risk.

Pushing my handbag that consisted my phone a little far away from us, I whispered back. "I know."

Her eyes went wide. She didn't need to speak the question, it's written all over her expression - Then why would you still choose him?

I just gave a sad smile. That changed her reaction to a sympathy one. Touching her arm, I leaned forward. "Ana, I need your help." I said half-whispered.

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