part 8

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Evie: MAL
Mal:Evie look before you say
Anything I have to say
Evie: what is it
Mal: I'm sorry for everything
I was angry at everything
First I lost my older
Sister then aunt I
Didn't want to lose
My mom too but
Looks like I did
I was angry at
Wrong person
For the wrong
Evie:Mal I forgive
You but how did
You get here I banished
Regina: dark curse
Evie: ok and who
Are you
Regina: Regina evil queen
Evie eyes widen
Mal: nope different version
Of your mom
Evie:oh Evie queen
Nice to meet you
Regina: you too
Mal:ok can we be
Evie: yeah
Mal and Evie
Maleficent: ok nice
We still have to find
A way home
Mal:right Evie
The grand book
Evie: are you sure
Mal nodded
Ursula: what
Uma: the grand hook
Is the most powerful
Spell book to be made
And we all created
Lily: wow
Mal:let's go wait
We first need magic
Mal and Sierra
Handed them all
Magic cuffs
Sierra: where we are going there is no
Magic and we will need magic
They all put on the cuffs
Evie: I need to get
Jay and carlos
They nodded
Evie used magic
Magic to transport
Us to jay and Carlos
Jay: Evie going on
Mal: we need your

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