part 29

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mal tried to get to them but uma was holding her in place
Uma: babygirl I know what they did but don't kill them
Mal: no I want to kill them
Harry: you guys really thought it would be ok to use her
Evie: well yeah
Cruella: why
Jay: well not alot of people are scared of us and our parents but
mal and her mom are scarey but together their terrifying so no
one messed with her so we thought if we became her friend
we would be safe and people feared us more than before
so being friends with her was great on our part
Mal: did you ever consider me as a friend
Jay: no
Evie: no
Carlos: yes and i actually regret using you
Jay and Evie: what
Mal: you do
mal said as uma, lauryn and sierra was calming her down
Carlos: yes can you forgive me and maybe we could
start over as friends
Mal: I don't know carlos you really hurt me
with that mal left the room
Uma: you three really screwed up this time
I hope your happy excuse me my fiance is upset
she needs me right now
than uma left the room to look for mal
Cj: I was just starting to like you Jay and Carlos watch your backs
I may not be able to hurt you evie because our parents are together
but that doesn't mean I can't get to you I will hurt you someother way
count on it
with that cj stormed out the room
Harriet: I may not agree with cj on most thing but I do on this
Harry: I agree with sisters watch your back cause now all hell
is about to brake lose
with those satements both harry and harriet left the room
which only left 5 dissapointed parents, 4 confused guests and
2 angry sister
lauryn: even thought mal, uma, cj, harriet and harry can't touch you
guys doesn't mean we won't
Sierra: Carlos we appreciate your apologie but that doesn't mean we
won't hurt you and as for you two count your blessings because when we're
Lauryn: you would be so scared you wouldn't know what hit you well let me
reput that even others would ask what happen to you
Sierra: and plus be happy we're not killing you or putting you in a mental
with that they left them to deal with their parents
Regina: Evie did you even think through your decisions you were making
Evie: yea kinda
Regina: there is no kinda did you or not
Evie: yes mom I did
Regina: oh evie
Cruella: carlos
Carlos: mom i'm sorry I just went along with what they said I didn't think through it
like I usally do i'm really sorry
Maleficent: you three know you just put them where they started
Evie: we did
Ursula: yes
Jay: how
Killain: you used mal by useing mal they don't like being used
especially mal she was broken when she found out her mother never loved
her she was on the breaking point and you three pushed off the edge of the cliff
Jafar: with her broken they are now hurt and broken then before
Maleficent: I think it's time for the three of you to leave
Regina: I think so to and Maleficent tell mal i'm sorry for what evie did
Jafar and Cruella: the same for us goodnight mally
Maleficent: night guys
with that the six of them left and went home
Maleficent: come on i'm pretty sure they need some comforting
Ursula and Killain: yea

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