Chapter Twenty

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"Well," I started, puffing out a long breath. "Where should we go for our..." I cleared my throat, "... honeymoon?"

Jonah scratched the back of his head before shrugging lightly. "Where do you want to go?"

"I've always wanted to go to Paris," I said sheepishly. "You?"

"Somewhere in Asia," he replied vaguely.


"I've just never been there," he said.

I nodded, nearly slapping myself in the face when an awkward pause came again.

"Why do you wanna go to Paris?"

"I wanna see the Eiffel tower, mostly," I answered. "And, uh, I don't know. It seems beautiful, from the movies I've watched."

"I see," he said with a nod.

"So..." I tried again. God, this was so awkward. Wasn't it? Or maybe it was just me. "Where do you think we should go?"

He paused to think. "I think we can go anywhere." When I gave him a quizzical look, he said, "I'm a famous actor. I probably have a private jet or two. Or maybe a private exotic island. I wouldn't know, really."

"Ah." I gave him a shrug. "Maybe we can just... go around the world?"

There was a slight smirk on Jonah's face. "Probably a six-month long honeymoon all over the world?"

I shoved him in the shoulder, my face reddening at the suggestive tone in his voice. It was barely noticeable, but it was there. I definitely wouldn't mind having a six-month long honeymoon with him in the future, but talking about it, especially with him, was a whole new level of awkward.

He rubbed the spot I had hit, and I almost felt guilty for it. Almost. I would've felt guilty that I had hurt him had he not kept the damn smirk on his face. He said, "I personally think a six-month long honeymoon all over the world is fun. Don't you?"

Believe me, if it was with him, it would be fun to me. "I guess?"

"That'll be one hell of a trip."

I shrugged, slightly smiling at the thin layer of excitement on his face at the idea of the "trip". "Sounds cool."

"You can pick the places you wanna go, I can pick mine."

"Absolutely." I wrote down the general idea of the honeymoon/trip on my notebook. "Wait, what about our jobs?"

He waved his hand. "Teachers can take six-month leave, can't they? Or if they actually can't, just quit the job altogether. I'm famous. You'll probably be famous too, being married with me. You won't even have to work anymore."

I rolled my eyes at him and the sudden arrogance in his voice, although my heart fluttered when he said the words "you", "married", and "me". "Of course you can, Mr. Hollywood Actor."

He shrugged at me. "Let's just hope the paparazzi won't follow us around."

I nodded in agreement. "That'd be annoying."

"That'd ruin the whole trip," he agreed.

"Attention, kids," Mr. Herberg shouted over our own discussions, having come back to the classroom after printing some papers. "I want one of each pair to take one of these. I already have your names on it, so take the one that is yours."

Jonah stood up before I could even ask, and he took one slip of paper from Mr. Herberg before walking back to his desk next to me. He raised his eyebrows at what was written, and then he gave it to me.

The paper said that Jonah and I would get married about five months after the engagement. Just a month after the marriage, we would be expecting a baby. Nine months later, we'd have a baby girl.

"Oh, wow," I said, my eyes still widened at the information on the paper. "That's kinda soon."

"I guess we really don't hold back during the honeymoon," Jonah remarked, earning himself the second hit in the shoulder. This time, it seemed like he was about to chuckle, but he just scowled at me instead. And then he said, "No six-month honeymoon for us, then."

"What, why?"

He eyed me flatly. "Do you really wanna be pregnant in some strange town you've never been before?" I scrunched my face at that. "Exactly."

"Where should we go, then?" I asked, back to square one.

"Anywhere we want," he replied. "Since we don't have any financial limit, we really can go anywhere we want. Alright, you said you've watched a lot of romance movies. Tell me where do you think we should go."

I sighed. "I don't know, Jonah," I said. "Since we can go anywhere, I want to go everywhere."

The truth was, we really shouldn't be getting too worked up about the honeymoon thing. Because it was fictional. It was just fake, an imagination. We wouldn't really be going there anyway. Plus, Jonah supposedly had all the money to waste anyway, so it really shouldn't matter where we went for the supposed honeymoon, unlike some other pairs who had to make sure that their trip wouldn't cost them the whole money in their bank accounts.

But here we were, turning our brains upside down to plan the perfect honeymoon. The honeymoon that wouldn't be happening. Because we weren't actually getting married. We weren't actually engaged. We were just two stupid kids in high school... and he barely even tolerated my presence.

The truth kind of depressed me a little bit, but oh well.

"Okay, one place of your choice, and one of mine," he concluded. "Just a two-week trip. One week for each place. I choose Bali."

I raised my eyebrows at his unexpected choice. "Huh. Not bad. I still stick to Paris."

"Okay. First week in Paris, and then in Bali." After that, there was a weird smile on his face, one that I was guessing was supposed to be a sly smile. But this was Jonah attempting to form a sly smile, so it ended up looking like he was fucking constipated. After looking at me for a full minute with the constipated smile, he asked, "Where do you think the baby is conceived?"

Red-faced, I gasped and threw my bag at his face. "JONAH!"

The sound of his booming laughter shook me like an earthquake, but I was too embarrassed to even react to the tears in his eyes from how hard he was laughing.

This boy, I swear to god. This boy would one day be the fucking death of me.

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