Chapter Forty-Four

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I looked back down at the kitten on my lap, letting it brush its head against my hand. I looked up again to see the smile still present on Jonah's face, and I thought to myself, how the hell did I get lucky enough to have someone like him? What had I done in the past that made me deserve him?

I was definitely not a good enough person to deserve this miracle.

"How did you know?" I asked shyly.

Jonah shrugged. "We did twenty questions a while back." He tapped the side of his head. "I have a good memory."

I smiled and lightly held up the kitten. "Is it mine?"

"Yeah," he answered. He pushed himself off the doorframe and closed the door before walking toward my bed and sitting down near my feet. "Grace had kittens with the neighbor's cat a while ago, and we put her kittens up for adoption after they were old enough. I decided to adopt one back. I hope you like him."

"I love him," I corrected. "What's his name?" I asked, still admiring the lovely creature I had in my hands.

"He doesn't have a name yet. You're free to name him whatever you want."

"Okay, I'll think of a name."

Jonah nodded, and he slightly scooted closer to me. I pull up my legs to give him a wider place to sit. He was looking at me with seriousness in his eyes, and I was thinking of the worst until he quietly asked, "We're still together, right?"

"Yeah." I nodded vigorously. "Yeah. We are. I'm so sorry for yesterday—I didn't know what I was saying and I was mad and—"

"It's okay," he cut me off gently, reaching out to take one of my hands.

I held his hand and gave him a smile.

"Gina told me a bit of what happened back then with that guy," he murmured. "I can't believe he did that."

"I couldn't either," I said. "I guess he was confused and he needed to take his frustration on something, so why not dump it all out on a girl who broke up with him after catching him cheat on her with another guy?"

"And you let him do that?" he asked in complete disbelief. "Why would you let him do that?"

Our gazes were locked for a while until I broke it to stare at my unnamed kitten.

"Gina told me you lost your friends because of those edited photos. Aren't you mad at him for what he did?"

"I am. I was—they wouldn't stop whispering things behind my back and sending me disgusted stares and I just hated it, but Daniel was a popular guy and I was just one of his cover-up girlfriend he never really cared about to begin with and if I did tell everyone that he was gay as a revenge, it just wouldn't make me feel any better. It would just make me feel even shittier," I finally ranted out everything I'd been keeping inside. It felt almost as good as socking Daniel in the face. "He shouldn't even be ashamed by it in the first place. He shouldn't even have to fake his sexuality and mess with girls like me instead. What he's doing is just so pathetic and I feel sorry for him."

The kitten jumped out of my lap and placed himself against Jonah's leg. I smiled a little at the sight of Jonah petting his head softly as he meowed.

I continued quietly, "After a while, everything just didn't matter to me anymore. I ignored everything, I stopped trying to tell them that the photos were fake because they would rather believe him than me anyway—I just stopped giving a shit. I learned that it was better not to care anyway. Besides, I've still got Gina and some other people who gave even less shit than I did about high school gossips. They all moved onto the next scandal eventually."

Accidentally on Purposeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें