Chapter 23

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"It's nice to see you all" 

I'm currently standing in front of my pack with Liam by my side. Lydia and Jason stand slightly behind us, showing that they are our support, our Betas. I've noticed that ever since I met Liam, I've lost my Alpha face when speaking to the pack. I'm nicer, more like a Luna. I'm okay with it, as long as they don't forget that I can kick all of their asses.

"I'm sure you've all been curious about everything thats happened in the past week or so, and I want to apologize for keeping you in the dark, but that ends now."

I take a breath and nod to Liam. He takes over, "Last week the alpha of a Rogue pack came to the boarder of our territory and threatened our pack. They threatened to kill our pack members, and to continue until they have your Luna."

Gasps echoed throughout the pack. I'm sure they just assumed I was sick, not all of that. I take this as my time to admit the truth, 

"There's more,"pause and take a deep breath, "As some of you know, when I was twelve, my family was killed, and I was taken. They had me for six years, and did unmentionable things to me, just for fun."

Liam feels my sadness and struggle through our bond, and puts a hand on my lower pack in a show of support. I continue,

"Those people that had me are the same ones threatening you. I don't know how they found me, but they did. And now they want me back. This time, though, I have a pack to support me. I promise you, I will fight, I will fight for you all. I am so sorry that you all have to go through this because of me."

Liam and I give them a few more details about everything that we know, and we give them the option of participating in fights or not. 

After the meetings all over I separate from the group and go to train. There are a few pack members in here with me, and I suspect that I don't have long before my mate and friends come looking for me. 

I managed to make it an hour and a half before they come bursting in the room, dressed to train.

"Well bitch, we figured that you have some anger to burn and we can't stop you from pushing your body too far, so we'll join you instead." Lydia announces as she walks in.

They all head to warm up, and I slow my sprint to a jog while I wait for them to be ready. 10 minutes later I walk over to them by the sparing mats. 

"Y'all ready to get your asses whooped?" I ask.

"Bring it Alpha!" Jason says, "I think I can beat you this time, you've been resting for too long," he jokes around. 

"Prove it!" I dare him and we get onto the mats. 

We circle each other for a moment, I'm bouncing on my toes in preparation, ready for an attack at any moment. He comes at me, but I duck. Another punch, I try to swipe his legs. While I'm on the ground, he tries to pin me, but I jump up and manage to get onto his shoulders. I use my weight to try to throw us to the ground, but hes too strong and pushes me off of him. 

This continues with Jason for a good half an hour, until he tires out and I manage to hit him with a punch to the face and a knee to the stomach, and pin him to the ground.

We both chuckle as I help him up, "Damn. I really thought I could get you today!" 

"To be honest, work on your endurance and you might have been able to" I tell him. 

Liam makes his way over to us and throws an arm around my shoulders, "Nah, you totally had him, babe."

"Thanks, feel the love. What a best friend you are." Jason teases.

"Hey, you dont have the power to make me sleep on the couch!" Liam says. I jab him in the stomach with my elbow. he adds in, "But I would always side with my mate, couch or not"

At this I smile, thats better. I give Liam a kiss and go to work with Lydia. She's an amazing fighter, but there's always things we can improve on.

she's punching one of the bags when i reach her. 

"I feel like i havent been able to talk to my best friend lately. How've you been, hun?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, you've been too caught up in Liam to have time for me!" she teases.

"Like you haven't been caught up with Jason! If i remember correctly, you were the one who was Marked first!" I laugh. I kick her leg back and bend her knee, fixing her form a little while she punches. 

"Yeah yeah. You also went and slept for like a whole week. Just selfish. You didn't even invite me to nap with you!"

"Ha Ha, you're just soo funny. Bitch you know you missed me." she rolls her eyes,

"No comment!"

We switch so that I'm the one punching and she's correcting me. We do this for the next hour, and let me tell you it felt great to catch up with my best friend. I'll always need her in my life. 

All of a sudden we four get a mind link from one of our warriors,

Alphas, Betas, the rogues sent another message. They sent it along with the body of a pack member...


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