Chapter 33

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I pull Liams arm, dragging him upstairs to our bedroom. Lost in my own thoughts of course because I'm extremely nervous to tell him. 

I second the door closes us inside I turn and kiss him. Blame it on the pregnancy hormones if you must, but I love to kiss my mate. But before it gets heated I pull away and look him in the eyes. I open my mouth to say the words but nothing comes out.

How do I do this? Do I just outright say it?

"Ember what's wrong? You can tell me anything." Tears form in my eyes, and these I definitely AM blaming on the hormones. 

"Don't cry, Baby. Just talk to me. you know I hate to see you upset."

"I'm not upset! I'm just worried that you might be after I tell you." At this he lets out a growl and I see his wolf coming forward a little.

"Did somebody touch you? Hurt You? I'll kill them!" He heads to the door, to find this imaginary person that hurt me. I roll my eyes,

"Nobody hurt or touched me. I promise. I'm all yours and you have kept me perfectly safe." Not that I can't keep myself safe, let's face it I can kick anybody's ass, But right now he needed that reassurance. 

It's now or never, I think. and I open my mouth to tell him again but get interrupted.

ALPHA, LUNA, we've just received another message from the Rogues. Dammit! NO. I will not let that man ruin this moment. Liam turns to head out the door again but I pull him back,

"I'm pregnant." 

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