Chapter 20 - Blissfully Loved

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Days passed with nothing but silence shared between Dean and I. My heart ached for his touch, and I knew all I had to do was talk to him. If I talked to him, things could go back to how they were. We could continue to work on this relationship that we'd been building, but I was scared. As usual, I was a coward.

I was growing tired of sleeping in the guest bedroom without Dean's warmth to lull me to sleep. In fact, I don't think either of us had done much sleeping recently. I laid in bed, tossing and turning, only sleeping for an hour or so at a time, and I heard Dean get up multiple times throughout the night, pacing the hallway or going to the kitchen for a stout drink. Knowing this hurt him made it even more painful to stay away.

In fact, this was likely hurting him even more intensely than it was hurting me. He'd marked me, and I hadn't yet marked him. Although I could see and hear how troubled he was, he could literally feel pieces of my emotions and unrest on top of his own.

And today would be all the same, if I let it. Part of me wanted to rush to Dean's office and sort everything out between us, while the other part of me wanted to remain locked in this room and hide away from our troubles forever.

I'd done plenty of the thinking that I'd requested over the past few days. Doubt still loomed in my mind, wondering if Dean truly wanted me, but at the end of the day, my thoughts boiled down to one things.

I wanted Dean. I needed him. Maybe at one point in my life I felt I didn't need anyone, but since meeting my mate, I knew I could never be without him. We may have a complicated relationship. We may both have our own serious issues, but surely the Moon Goddess paired us together for a reason.

With that last thought, I made up my mind. Although I still felt uneasy about all that Dean had confessed to me, I'd have to learn to put it behind me. He was all I had, and I so badly wanted to make our relationship work. I wanted to complete our mate bond.

I just wanted to be loved.

I quickly climbed out of bed – something I should've really done hours ago, seeing as it was already mid-afternoon, and I headed for Dean's bedroom. Our room. He had already left our quarters to tend to his daily duties as Alpha, but I knew he'd be back any time now. Since our separation, he'd made a point to come back to our quarters every afternoon for one reason or another, likely just to make sure I was still here.

I wasted no time showering and cleaning up. I got dressed in a simple navy t-shirt dress and slipped on a pair of sandals before returning to the bathroom to put on a bit of makeup. I hadn't cleaned up properly and made myself presentable the last few days, and if I was going to make this move, I wanted to look nice.

Just as I was about to exit the bedroom and take a seat in a more neutral area such as the living room or kitchen, I heard the front door open.

My body reacted instantly – my heart pounding inside my chest, threatening to break out and go to our mate. My limbs trembled, both excited and terribly scared for what was to come. What if he was angry? That was a constant fear of mine – seeing Dean angry. It wasn't a pleasant sight and brought back way too many unpleasant memories of my father.

Before I had the chance to think of what I should do, I looked up to see Dean standing in the doorway. He was frozen, staring down at me with a mix of emotions on his face. His eyes had darkened considerably, indicating that he was struggling against his wolf. It was extremely hard for wolves to be without their mates for even a day, and even harder for an Alpha. We'd been separated for at least four days by now, so I'm sure each of those days had been an extreme battle for both Dean and his wolf.

Knowing that, made me feel even worse.

"Audrey," he finally spoke, his voice soft but serious. His eyes had halfway faded back to their normal colors, indicating that he was slowly regaining control.

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