Chapter 33 - Owen

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- 5 Months Later -

Five months had passed since my encounter with Kierienna, and some days, I'd almost forgotten about the experience completely. Yet, there was still this sense of danger looming at the back of my mind.

Things had been peaceful, happy, normal, if I dare call it that. Dean and I went about our business as Alpha and Luna of the pack, and up until recently, I'd been visiting the schools and infirmary almost every day. Archibald remained locked up with guards monitoring him twenty-four hours a day – life was good.

Today was like any other, although I was no longer permitted to visit the schools or infirmary. I was now in the late stages of my pregnancy, only a week or so left before my due date, so Dean insisted that it was safest for me to stay home and take it easy. I was able to help him with some of the pack paperwork and a few phone calls here and there, but otherwise, I was left to "relax."

I felt rather useless if I was honest. I'd grown very found of my duties as Luna of Dark Root. Interacting with the pack became easier every day, and I absolutely loved helping with the school children or visiting with our sick wolves in the infirmary. I felt like I was finally making a difference.

Both Dean and our doctor were proud of me for keeping myself strong and healthy during my pregnancy. I made sure to eat as much as I could during meals, took my vitamins regularly, and made sure I walked around the pack house plenty during the day. I was determined to do whatever it took to make my pup happy and healthy.

We'd found out not too long ago that our pup was a healthy little boy. Dean and I were both equally ecstatic and terrified. Although I knew it meant a lot to Dean and the pack to know that there was going to be an Alpha heir, knowing the realities of the life and responsibilities an Alpha had, especially in Dark Root, was unsettling.

Dean was just as worried about it as I was, although he didn't let it show. He was proud to be having a son – a little boy he could pass on his title to – but I knew deep down, he was worried that he'd end up like his father, making our son's life miserable.

I was determined to never let that happen.

I wandered around our living room area, fumbling with my drawing pad, but too consumed by my own thoughts to really create much of anything today. I'd been drawing a lot recently and had even began experimenting with paints and canvas a bit. I was hoping some newly developed skills and hobbies would help keep my mind occupied with things other than worries.

I truly didn't think about Kierienna or Archibald all that much, but when I was alone and unoccupied, my mind would wander and fear would creep in. Dean was great at reassuring me that I was safe and protected at all times, but at the back of my mind something still felt off. Perhaps it was because I was pregnant – my motherly instincts had gone into overdrive, and I felt myself becoming insanely protective over the little pup growing inside of me. There'd even been a couple instances recently where I'd snapped as some of our guards for getting too close to me, which wasn't like me at all.

Dean's protective instincts had increased as well, and I thought that wasn't even possible. I was thankful our pack doctor was female, otherwise I wasn't sure that our appointments would go so smoothly.

After about an hour of contemplation, I finally decided I would make Dean and I lunch and take it to his office. I was bored and lonely at this point, so this was the best solution I could come up with. Recently, Dean had Helen preparing our meals so I didn't have to, but this time, I wanted to.

It wouldn't be anything too extravagant of course, but some nice sandwiches on French bread with all the fixins would be good enough. Dean preferred ham and roast beef on his sandwiches, while I usually went for turkey with avocado.

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