Chapter 60.

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Song: Tori Kelly - I was made for loving you

Happy Reading!



I couldn't seem to pry my eyes away from the small screen. My baby was there.

And she was truly a sight for sore eyes. Her tiny little feet and her big head most likely resembling her mother. She an incredibly tiny gift, but even now I felt the need to protect her life with my own.

I would do anything for her. My little principessa.

Before this had hardly felt real, now she is everything. The emotions are so overwhelming that she would surely make a grown man cry.

Sometime in the next month, the time will come when she is no longer inside of Ariella, she will be here. I will be able to hold her. I expect everything I'm feeling now to be just a pale shadow of the future when she is running around, when she smiles at me, or tells me I'm wrong, or shows me something I've never known about the world.

My stomach did flips just thinking about it.

"Are you okay?" I heard the sweet, soft voice of my angel and she swiped her small hand accross my cheek.

"I'm amazing," I told her, placing the sweetest kiss on her lips.

2 weeks later

The wedding was beautiful. Everything I had hoped for and I could tell that in this moment, Ariella was truly happy.

As was I.

I wasn't in a high. I wasn't in a low. I was right where I needed to be, completely lost in the blue-ish, steel eyes of my angel. It was possible that it wasn't just her eyes I was so in love with. But what was inside them. The story they told. It was the one she hadn't. I knew there was so much more I had to learn about Ariella. And I would use everyday of the rest of my life to do so.

Even in her vows, she had showed me a side I had never known.

To be with you is like finally not being alone - as if  all my life I've been isolated in a windowless room... and then you walk in, looking so beautiful, like strolling over a summer meadow in a Ralph Lauren suit. How are you so much more than sunlight?

Our love story started off so tragic. But it turned into something breathtaking.

You, just as you are, are my saviour. My king. My everything. And you manage to be that all while being so sinfully deliciously sexy.

I laughed to not cry.

So, my love, know this - I am yours in mind, body, and soul as long as I shall live.

Afterwards, we danced like no one was watching. Atleast that's what it felt like. Like the first time.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she said with humor in her voice.

I lightly smiled. "Because you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."


Today was the day. The atmosphere was light as I sat at the mini-bar of the reception. The room was lit with exciting chatter and laughing. The hanging lights were stunning in the dim glow of night. The smile on the face of my bestest friend and his beautiful bride as they danced brought a smile to my face. But nevertheless, I felt like a dark cloud hung over me, waiting to drain any slither of fun. My chest ached with envy as I noticed the unwavering connection of their eyes.

The Perfect Intern Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora