4. "i have a boyfriend"

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The cool fresh evening air brought back special memories. It was pure bliss, instantly, like at the light of a match. "So why didn't you want to finish the movie?" Anthony questions.

"I could ask you the same." I avoid the topic by switching it back on him. We shuffle our feet a little as we walk and I notice his gaze lingers on me for a bit as I wait for him to answer. I feel a little weird about it. "The room's a bit too small for me."

"Huh?" I kick a rock beneath my feet as we're walking.

"Let's just say there are some people in there I wouldn't want to be stuck with."

As soon as he says that, a lightbulb goes off in my head. "Oh, people? Or the girls you've hooked up with." I ask bitingly and he rolls his eyes. He doesn't deny it though and I notice things like that. That almost everywhere we go there are people he's avoiding. He's got a bad reputation and I begin to realize the more and more that I hang out with him, he's the exact opposite of Sawyer.

"You wouldn't ever be with just one person?" I ask curiously. I know he's slept with a lot of girls, it's just a question of how many.

"I'm against relationships completely." He answers blankly. I'm almost shocked at how quick he responded. He stared straight ahead, broodingly, as if his mind was fixed on something.

"Never again."


He insisted on walking me back to my room after that because it was already getting late.

I walked in only to witness Cam yelling at Parker. They were clearly in the middle of a very heated discussion so I considered stepping out for a bit, but my tired eyes couldn't wait. They acknowledged my presence and decided to cool it off so that I could get to bed but from what I gathered, apparently some girl hit on Parker in the lunch line and Cam pretty much threatened to snap her head off.

Parker stormed out of the room and Cam just huffed angrily for a bit before calling it a night and going to sleep. The thing about her is that she can get extremely jealous, but that's only because when she really loves something, she isn't willing to share it with anyone. I learned that the hard way when I became close with a girl named Katie in the 6th grade and she told her there was only room for one best friend in my life.

She may seem possessive and overprotective but she's far from it. She's just insecure and needs reassurance. So Parker is good for her.

But it made me think, I wonder how many girls must be hitting on Sawyer.


Next day, after all of my classes I finally got to gracefully lie down once again for a quick mid-day nap but I when I woke up it was already dinnertime. My growling stomach could be heard from downstairs.

I was such a completely disorientated mess that I nearly forgot what year it was. I scurried and brushed my hair, putting it up into a bun on top of my head, and threw on shoes. I bothered asking Cam if she wanted to join me but she was still too mad to sit and eat with Parker so I just went ahead without her. I found it a little silly just how petty she was being but I know she'll come around. She can't stay away from him for too long.

The only one there was Anthony because everyone else decided to eat without us. So we took it upon ourselves to find some seats outside where it was nice and quiet.

I was eating my fries peacefully when this group of, very well put together, girls walked by and gave me nasty looks. I glanced over my own appearance and noticed the few stains on my hoodie and brushed off a few crumbs off of my lap.

"What was that about?" I asked Anthony.

"I probably hooked up with one of them. I don't remember." He shrugs, unbothered.

I scoff. Sadly I was thinking it had something to do with me but it's just the fact that I'm sitting next to the worlds biggest douchebag, apparently. I'm truly in awe at this generation and their habits. I'm just not a casual person I guess. I know it's dumb but I get attached too easily and if I love, I go all or nothing.

Personally, I see no fun in sleeping around with a bunch of people and using them for your own amusement. Don't get me wrong I don't think it's necessarily bad and I do completely understand why people do it, I'm just glad I got Sawyer because he's the only one I need.

I set our differences aside and continued eating. We began joking around and I told him about an embarrassing moment in the 3rd grade where I liked this boy, so I came up and hugged him but he ran away and told everyone that I had some contagious sickness. Anthony started to chuckle as I kept telling my story. "That scarred me, don't laugh," I continued. "Then this girl, Camille stood up for me and told everyone it wasn't true."

He just couldn't seem to stop laughing so I threw my French fry at him. "And, that's how we became best friends." I finish.

He smiles sincerely and his eyes gloss over my lips momentarily. I begin to feel weird again so I look away.

"You know you got this dark, mysteriously quiet exterior, but it's all an act right?" I pry.

"What makes you think so?" he stares, the wind blowing small locks of his hair tucked underneath his beanie. "I don't know, I feel like there's more to you than you lead on." I say.

He chuckles to himself as he bites back a smile. "You know, that 3rd-grade boy really missed out."

I gulp really loudly. While I think about what to say next, I figure my gut is telling me something and I should finally listen.

"I have a boyfriend." I mutter.

He looks away as if he saw it coming and pauses briefly. "But you waited this long to tell me?" His mood shifts. I realized that those words should have been the very first thing to come out of my mouth but in my defense, I never imagined he could be this upset. We're just friends.

"So where is he now?" he avoids eye contact. "In law school."

"I see."

"What?" I ask.

"Trust me, this whole long distance never works out well for anyone," he says bitterly and I'm simply astounded.

"You don't have the right to judge me or my relationship. You don't know us or what we've been through." I snapped.


I figure there's no point in arguing with him over this and he is way out of line so I just get up and go, without another word. "I'm just saying Holly," He calls out. "You will grow apart and when you realize that you've changed, it'll be too late."

I decide to ignore him completely and just keep walking. He's obviously very defensive and upset, but so am I. Why is he acting all jealous and spiteful all of a sudden? This sucks. I really thought we could've been good friends.

But I guess not.

Next update: July 7

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