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"Mhhm... yeah, Wow you guys are big truthers wow!" I place my elbows on the table and rest my cheek on my palm interrogating the speechless couple who were making up excuses about what I saw at the park.

"We swear Hales, Daniel you believe us right?" Daniel immediately looks away whistling to an unknown tune and dusts away imaginary dust from the counter.

"Oh come on guys! Me and Anna are not a thing," He winces a little then covers it with a cough.

"Yeah umm.... as we told you, Sam was just being kind! He saw a bug on my lip and so he decided to lean in and take it off, but you and your big ass eyes saw the wrong thing!" Sam nods supporting Anna's answer. I look over at Daniel who simply shrugs his shoulder.

"Hmm... I believe you."

"Really!" They both shout at the same time, sounding like kids.

"Nope," I spin off my chair and walk towards the couch at the far end of the bar leaving two whining babies and a "busy" Daniel.

"But, I was so shipping this from the beginning, and Oh Daniel..." I plomp myself on the old brown leather couch sinking into its small heaven. Hannah was busy sketching in her small notebook.

"If they ever do reveal they are dating, Daniel you have to give me Six Pounds, remember the deal?" Daniel groans then glares at me.

"Bloody moron!  You don't forget a thing!?"
I laugh at that throwing my head Back purposely to enunciate how ridiculous that sounded, "Boo, we talking about money, no one forgets about money!"
He groans again and mumbles a curse making me chuckle.

I look at what Hannah was sketching but couldn't quite get my fingers on it, she once told me she sketched or read the Quran when she was stressed. I put my hand on her shoulder and mouth her a silent, "Are you okay?"

She shakes her head and rubs her face in exhaustion, "I am going away, I am going to Yemen," I frown, she's always wanted to go to Yemen. She's born in Britain but she had originated in Yemen and she always spoke about how she wanted to see her country.

"And I thought you wanted that?" She nods and bites her lips, something she did when she was nervous.

"It's just I'm going there because of these sad moments that have shrouded themselves on my brothers and sisters. I'm going there as a privileged person and not as a relative... I don't know how to put it but I feel so guilty that I'm living a good life when they are going through the worst humanitarian crisis," she had a heart of gold, since I've known her she was always joining these NGO's to go help and feed countries that required her assistance. But this time was different for her as this time it was her people and so it was going to pain her more.

"You've got this. You are their relative and it's thoughtful that you want to do something for them. Not everyone can and you can so take it as a blessing," she nods her head, collects her stuff from the coach and mouths me a goodbye. I stand up to hug her, she was taller than me by a few centimeters so it looked like she was comforting me and not the other way around.

"What's going on?" Sam, Anna and Daniel all move to circle us and I tell them how Hannah was going away again.

"Why didn't you tell us Hannah?" Sam asks.

"I don't know I guess I wasn't ready?" She pulls Anna towards her and give her a goodbye hug, for the guys she just nods her head at them.

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