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白毫银针 is Silver Needle White Tea

Fuding's Silver Needle is a pinnacle-grade white tea with a soft, smooth, and silky-sweet taste. The Fuding Silver Needle is famous for the tea's thick layer of white coat, resulting in a clean, fragrant, and refreshing taste experience.


Melodious music was echoing throughout the entire alchemist institute but was disrupted by the wrong note. "Yin'er focus! You may have a new body and know all the skill but you need to focus!" Master Zhong scolded her. Kuan-Yin sat there quietly playing the same song, determined to perfect the song to use in battle. Her body had nobody coordinate making it harder to control but focusing took a lot of energy from her. "Yin'er you can wrap it up here." Master Zhong walked over giving her a clear bottle filled with pink pills. Kuan-Yin nodded and took the pills and went to her room to cultivate, a same flowery plant from yesterday that was taken by the thief was on her desk with a note.

"Yin'er I hope this will help you in cultivation. If you ever want to meet with me come to the plum blossom cliff at night."

Kuan-Yin smiled at the note, the flowery plant was still preserved despite being harvested yesterday. She grabbed the flower and crushed it into powder form and mixed it with various other herbs making her invention of a pill that she had discovered, without using a furnace. The result was a powder that could be dissolved into a liquid creating flowers which would bloom releasing a potent concentration of the powder which would help increase a cultivator's speed of cultivation by tenfold. It was a revised version of the cultivation pills.

She moulded the powder into a small ball similar in size to a normal pill, filling them up in a clear bottle. She had filled about 7 bottles of the revised version of the cultivation pills. She carried them walking to people she trusted with her life Master Zhong, Jiangsu, Jingwei, Susu, Fan and her brother. But, she was left with one bottle left and the day was pretty late. So, Kuan-Yin went to the Plum blossom cliff to where he said she could find him if she wanted to see him. He stood there playing a harmonious tune on his jade flute, a very familiar scene. Her twin sister in her past life had also played the flute using a similar song, which brought tears to her eyes. The thief walked to her and brushed away her tears with his thumb which were falling carelessly.

"I'm sorry for letting you see me like this, " Kuan-Yin laughed at herself because she had reminded herself of the past. She reached in her robe and grabbed the clear bottle with the pills in them, "These are for you helping us and it's not poison it's cultivation pills, well a revised version I made."

"They are quite an unusual colour, but why are you giving it to me?" He put the bottle in his robes.

"I want to make an alliance with you, " Kuan-Yin rubbed her eyes from the tears that had remained in her eyes, "Your powers would be useful in future plans that I have."

"And what is 'your future plans' Yin'er, " he chuckled at the thought of a 15-year-old thinking of such things at a young age, "I bet trying to overthrow the current cultivator off his seat and make it yours."

"Why yes those are my future plans, " Kuan-Yin stood up to leave, "Don't swallow it like pills, dissolve this pills in water and carry it around with you, you can increase your cultivation speed by tenfold, heal old injuries, and improve circulation of qi around your body." As Kuan-Yin was about to leave, he pulled her back into his arms.

"Chen Longwei, that's my name or you can call me Chen. By the way, have you got any marriage proposal?" He was bold to ask yet he was the one who had stolen her first kiss.

"No, I haven't since I previously was poisoned and no one wanted a cultivation trash," Kuan-Yin wriggled in his arm, "Can you unhand me already! I can't get married!" She tried to squirm her way out of his arm but her attempts to were futile.

"Why is that you can't get married?" He smirked with his pearly white teeth that seemed to blind Kuan-Yin.

"Because you had stolen my first kiss," Kuan-Yin stopped her futile struggles, "I was intending to save it for marriage." Tears were evidently falling but Kuan-Yin was trying to hold them back. But, they carelessly fell and she placed her head on his shoulder to cry on.

He caressed her head in an attempt to comfort her, "I'm sorry if I knew I would have married you first but I would still take your first kiss no matter what," he kissed the top of her head and inhaled her scent which was a mixture of sweet herbs that drive him crazy for her, "I will ask your father for your hand in marriage soon but not now, and I agree to make an alliance but you must marry me." Again he smiled, but Kuan-Yin was blushing like crazy, her beet red cheeks were cute to Longwei.

He carried her to her room where her Master was sitting in the room, "Master!" Kuan-Yin was embarrassed and shy.

Master Zhong just laughed, "It seems like I will have a granddaughter in law soon."

Kuan-Yin looked at them both completely confused, both their surnames were different. "Master Zhong and you are related?" She decided to ask about their relationship.

"Your Master is my grandfather and the reason why our surnames are different is that my mother is your master's daughter married my father and my surname is the same as my father," Longwei replies my Kuan-Yin's question, "Grandpa your grandson greets you."

Master Zhong was happy to meet his grandson, "Longwei how old are you now?"

"This year I'm turning 20," Longwei stated clearly, Kuan-Yin was surprised to see that he wasn't that much older than her, "I need to go now goodnight Yin'er." his soft lips touched the Kuan-Yin's forehead. Master Zhong already left the room leaving Kuan-Yin thoughts, she was embarrassed and shy. She didn't face the world but she was exhausted so she went to bed.

The Benevolent Miracle Doctor [Completed] [In Progress of Editing]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin