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六安瓜片 is Liu An Gua Pian Green Tea - Liu An Melon Seed

Liu An Melon Seed is known for its unique shape and taste. Single leaves, carefully cut to equal size, are pan-fired over low heat, shaping the leaves into a beautiful melon-seed shape and creating a tea with bright green leaves and a refreshing, crisp flavor.

Drinking Legendary Liu An Melon Seed and other Chinese green teas helps reduce the risk of cancer. The antioxidant in green tea is 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 24 times better than vitamin E. This helps your body at protecting cells from damage which is proved to be linked to cancer. In addition, it helps prevent heart disease and stroke by lowering the level of cholesterol. Even after the heart attack it prevents cell deaths and speeds up the recovery of heart cells.

Is Liu An Melon Seed really made of Melon Seed?

No, "Melon Seed" refers to the shape of this rare type of tea, resulting from the pan-firing process.

After dinner, everyone went back to Kuan-Bai's house to digest the food. Kuan-Yin held Hong-Li the whole way, "Da ge I need to ask a favour of you," her eyes went stoic.

"What favour?" He carried Hong-Li in his arms, slowly lulling him to sleep.

"I want your family to move to Ah Ling province," Kuan-Yin bit her lips in frustration, "My subordinate wasn't able to find a suitable governor to take care of Ah Ling but there is a temporary governor," she didn't want to resort to using her brother in helping her but he was the only person she could trust.

Kuan-Bai gave Hong-li to Chu Hua so she could put him to sleep, "So? You want me to govern over Ah Ling Province is that correct?" He thoroughly thought of this huge responsibility that may fall on his shoulders.

"I know that you have studied politics before and I know I can trust you with this responsibility," she sighed completely exhausted with the constant worry of trustworthy allies, "I know this is a big responsibility but I don't have enough influences to recruit trustworthy allies,"

Kuan-Bai smiled broadly, "I'm happy that you trust me and as a big brother I will comply to your wishes," Kuan-Yin was ecstatic that her brother agrees as it put less stress on her mind. She jumped at him, immediately hugging him, "You don't understand how much your help is appreciated," Kuan-Bai could only smile in contentment as he felt a surge of warm radiating off his little sister.

Soon, Kuan-Yin arranged for the departure of her brother's family to Ah Ling Province. She assigned loyal bodyguards, scholars and servants to Ah Ling Province along with her brother. She stared at the young family with a longing that she had never experienced as their figures disappeared from her sight. "Chen...," she paused not sure what to say.

"What is it Yin'er?" Chen happily joined to her side.

"I want to recruit more loyal people to our side," Kuan-Yin intertwined their hands together, "When we go to the top, I want to create a force that can't be shaken for centuries, and I want to do it together," her words moved his cold heart of his, which have never done that in so many years. He carried her princess style to the most beautiful cliff with a tree with multiple red papers that hung on the branches instead of leaves. The sights of the beautiful red tree was alluring beautiful as there were no words to describe how beautiful it was.

"This tree is the Couple Blessing tree, a couple will write on a red sheet of paper on both sides and tie it on the tree and if the paper stays there for 10 days without falling the couple will be able to meet in their next lifetime." Chen bought out a sheet of red paper and a paintbrush with ink. Both of them write on each side of the paper and Chen tied the paper on the tree, hoping that it would stay on.

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