Chapter 20

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Celay's POV
Celay laid on Jeamal's bed eating some crackers. The sound of her chewing filled the room.
"I heard that Mrs Deamria's business is going down".
Jeamal dropped the lipstick on the table.
"How is this color?"
Celay sat up and scanned her for as second.
"It would look better on me boo", she teased Jeamal.
Soemthing has been off about her since she returned from where ever she was staying. Jeamal reached for a pillow, aiming it at her.
Celay quickly rushed out of the bed laughing.
"Yeah, I know her investors are pulling out their money after the police revealed her fraudalent deals".
"Do you think its all a conincidence". Celay paused swallowing her crackers. "Sean dies and Justine loses every thing....its like something out of a book or something".
Jeamal wiped her lips with the napkin containg makeup remover.
Celay watched her with her eyeballs almost popping out.
"What are you hiding?"
"Nothing important.....Its just like...its nothing".

Jordan's POV
Jordan started looking into Bryan's movement and transaction.
"Did you come up with anything new?"
"Not really.....but there is something fascinating",
"Go on"
"On july 15th, the day before Sean was he was going to propose. Bryan sent two million dollars to a Viktor Aswel and the following week he sent five million more".
"did you look into him?"
"We are doing doesn't seem like some business because its a private account".

Jordan rubbed his eyes, looking at the time.
"its 10:00 pm"
He gathered the papers on the desk, switching off his laptop.
"i wonder if she is still awake??"
He opened his text message, then closed it.
"i should call her".
The phone rang for a while before Jeamal picked up.
"Hey....", Jordan said fist pumping the air.
"Are you still awake?"
"Yup, am still in the office".
Jordan laughed.
"What's cool about it....Are still wake?"
Jeamal chuckled.
"Should I come over?"
Jeamal was quiet for a while.

_______________I promise to start updating regularly.........."Is Bryan really the killer?" or is there someone somewhere we don't know about^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Thank u for reading I apprieciate it.😊😊😊😊😊😊

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