Level 41: Meet Again

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"I wish I had a sister," Mom sighed.

She looked up from the clothes she was unpacking to beam at Alissa—sat on the other side of my dressing room. Unpacking my shoes.

"It's so sweet of you to help Violet unpack," mom gushed.

Alissa smiled. "It's no problem. I'm glad to help."

Was I the only one who could see the dead look in her eyes?

Mom's smile widened. She went back to folding one of my t-shirts. "You're just amazing."

Yeah. She's amazing.

I stuffed a pair of jeans into a drawer.

Mom's brows furrowed. "You okay honey?"

I felt Alissa's glare burning into the side of my head.

I smiled. "Fine, mom. Just tired."

She nodded. "Oh, well, you've had a long day. We should hurry up so you can get some sleep."

I kept my smile fixed.

I'd wanted to spend time with my mom, just me and her. But the moment she'd volunteered to help me unpack, she'd asked Alissa if she wanted to help. Alissa, liar that she was, said she would be glad to. And now we were stuck in this tiny room together. Mom was the only one who couldn't sense the tension.

Mom sighed. "You're so lucky, you've fit in so well here. It's a little harder when you're older."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

She smiled. "Nothing, sweetie." She reached over to squeeze me into a hug. "I've just missed you."

That's when it dawned on me: I'd left her. Alone. In a new town, when she hadn't made any friends yet.

How could I have been so selfish?

Mom laughed. "Don't look so worried, Violet." She brushed a curl behind my hair. "Don't underestimate me," she insisted. "I've made friends."

Before I could speak, Alissa piped in. "Speaking of, how was the brunch with Kelsey?"

Mom's face lit up. "Oh, wonderful. She's so sweet."

"Did you end up going to that vegan place next to the boutique we went to?"

"Yes, it was wonderful." She squeezed Alissa's hand. "Thank you so much for the recommendation Alissa. You just might convert me to veganism."

Alissa smiled. "That's the dream."

My throat tightened. I looked away. It had been two months. Of course they would have gotten closer. What had I expected?

Mom laughed. "Well, Kelsey invited me to this charity fundraiser in a few weeks. It's being run by this lady—Kelsey said she would introduce me—Isabel Ryder?"

I stiffened.

"Have you heard of her?" mom asked Alissa.

Alissa's eyes slid to me.

My throat tightened.

"Yes," she said. "She has two sons in my grade."

"Oh, that's nice, are you friends with them?"

Alissa's gaze was still fixed on me. "No, not really." She paused, licking her lips, then, "I heard one of them got sent to rehab."

I flinched. "What?"

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