20. Connecting The Dots

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"I give up!" John put both his hands in the air. " I'm so confused right now." The trio sat on the school grounds after school to talk about what they saw on news earlier that morning.

"What's there to get confused about?" Emily said casually as if the unusual appearance of the stone - even when it was still in the church - didn't bother her at all.

"What are you talking about?" Hannah was surprised and confused as to why Emily said like that. Emily was a girl that searched logic behind everything - even when she could not prove any scientific or logical explanation behind some things, ( take the stone's example in this case) she would always believe that all things have a reason behind them.

"There's only one logical explanation behind this - there's more than one stone," Emily said slowly building the tension among the group.

"What?" John was not in a state to believe Emily.

There was silence among the three as they looked at each other. Hannah rubbed her temples as if she was thinking something.

"I think you're right Emily. I mean, think about it," Hannah moved closer to the two. She did not want anyone else to hear their conversation. " Remember that eerie woman we met on the streets? - "

"Don't even remind me. I so do not wish to cross her path ever again." John got a sudden shiver remembering that night emphasizing on the 'ever' part.

" - Well, remember what she said? "

"The stones are indestructible." Emily turned to John as if she was proving her point.

"Exactly. As far as we know there is only one stone which was brought to the museum and now the church has it. She clearly implied that what we have is not the only one."

"And remember the article we read at the library?" Emily continued what Hannah was proving. " It was mentioned that 'Whoever will have the pendant or any part of it' which means we only have one part of the pendant - one stone."

"So maybe the stone at the Willows might be the second stone of the pendant!" John was shocked but convinced. He empathized with the Willows as he imagined what the family might have gone through just because of the cursed stone. "But how many more? How many more families or individuals might be in misery? How many more of the stones or pieces of the pendant are there? We don't know."

"Three," Emily said sounding affirmative.

"How can you be so sure?" John asked facing Emily.

"The picture." Hannah flashed back to when they were reading the page dated 22 July 1887.

"Right. Here, I clicked the photo of the pendant." Emily pulled out her phone and searched for the date when they found out about the past.

"You can see there are three stones inside the heart." Emily zoomed-in on the clicked picture of the pendant.

"That means we can end all of the distress and sufferings which the pendant is causing to the people once we find the rest of the two stones." John sounded heroic. He was always searching for moments and occasions where he can be a hero and help people. Since he was a kid, he was in love with the superheroes - reading every comic book and watching every show which was based on the theme of 'superheroes saving the day' - and used to run around the house with a red cape on his back and shouted ' Super John to the rescue ' extending his one hand - as if he was flying - whenever anyone in the family or in the neighborhood needed any help.

"But what will happen when we'll get all the three stones? We tried to destroy the stone but it didn't work. Remember?" Hannah said doubtfully.

"We'll figure it out somehow. But for now, next stop - to the Willows" John said enthusiastically extending his one hand in the same way he used to do when he was a kid.

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