21. The Willows - People's Perception

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"Do you even know where are we going 'Super John' ?" Hannah asked sitting under the shade of the white oak in a park that was as old as the town. Kids were playing frisbee, a girl was fully immersed in a book which she was reading laying on the grass, some people were walking their dogs while some were enjoying the view.

The trio was searching for the street on which the Willows house was.

"Are you sure? Because I don't see any burned down house anywhere nearby." Emily asked looking as far as she can see.

"I'm sure I saw 'The Maple Dolls Store' board on the T.V. when the news reporter was interviewing the neighbors." John was sitting on a wooden park bench nearby.

Emily gave him a side-eye.

"Ok! Maybe it was a little blur since it was far from the scene but -"

Hannah facepalmed herself. 'So, we've been walking for over an hour - round and round - for nothing. Great!' She thought to herself.

"But I'm sure it was that." John defended himself.

"Excuse me, sir," John asked a man passing by who was wearing a blue shirt with rolled-up sleeves and jeans. He had a short stubble beard and a Charles spaniel by his side.

"Yes?" The man stopped in his tracks.

"Can you tell us wh- "

"Can I pet him?" Emily sounded excited seeing the cute Blenheim spaniel, cutting John off. Her love for dogs was inevitable.

"Sure" The owner gave his approval.

"So," John continued looking back to the man after turning his gaze from Emily who began petting the mutt with bended knees. The dog closed his eyes and enjoyed the attention, wagging his tail from side to side. "Can you tell us where can we find The Maple Dolls Store?" He wanted to prove the girls wrong.

"You mean the one which is near the Willows? Such a weird tragedy."

"See!" John turned to the two girls and smirked as he was right all along.

"Take the second left from that jaguar car," He said pointing to the white car that was parked near the sidewalks in front of a house surrounded by trees and some bushes. " walk a little taking the next left. You'll find the doll store just a little ahead. Walk more straight until you see a burned down the building. Ask anyone for the Willows and there you are."

"Thanks, man." John shook his hands.

"Wait," Emily said out loud when the man was about to leave. "Why did you say it was a weird tragedy?"

"This wasn't the first weird event which the neighborhood saw," He sat on the bench with his canine sitting on the grass. One could figure out that it was going to be a long narrative. "You see, this place was quiet but full of children's laughter and their playful voices. Never at once, this part of town saw an accident or any sadness. But that was before the Willows came. In the first few months, everything was alright. The neighborhood even threw a welcome party for the Willows - because that's how sweet the people of this town are. I can't say for sure, but it was after some celebration at the Willows after which, the mysterious and strange things began to happen."

"What kind of?" Hannah's curiosity piqued.

"Well, when the family came to our neighborhood, it was all good and great at first. They were very sweet and friendly people - organizing community events and helping everyone. But slowly, as the days and months passed, there was a weird vibe that used to come from the family and their house. Now, call me a superstitious guy or whatever - but - whenever any of the neighborhood people used to visit the Willows or anyone who becomes close to the family, after some time or someday, they all suffer from some bad news or the other.

For instance, one day when Rosie, who lived next door to the Willows, returned home after giving cake and cookies to the Willows, she got a call from her son's school that her son had met with an accident. Then, there was this girl named Lucy. She is a good friend of Alex - Willow's daughter. One day, when the two of them were playing in the front yard, their ball rolled down the streets. Lucy looked for any vehicle passing by before getting the ball. The street was empty. But as soon as she reached the middle of the street, out of nowhere, a truck came. The stupid truck driver he didn't even honk.

The people were shouting Lucy's name telling her to run and save her life. They thought she would run but when her gaze fell upon the truck approaching her, speeding every second, she froze in her tracks. Thank God I was taking my errands at that time. When I saw the truck picking speed, in the nick of time I managed to save her.

The poor girl was extremely terrified. Once, I had to discuss a business thing with Mr. Willow, but my dog went nuts and I still can't shake off the feeling of being watched by someone when we came closer to the house. I tried to tell the people, but they always thought that I was talking nonsense but they never ever tried to put the pieces together but there are many like me, who keep a distance - a lot of distance - now from the family and one day, you won't believe but...hold on a sec.- " He took out his phone which was vibrating into his pocket and picked it up.

"Hello? Yes. I'll be there."

After a short conversation with someone who appeared to be waiting impatiently for this man, he ended the call and began to leave. " Sorry guys, but I had to go now. Be careful though."

Saying this, he got up and left with man's best friend by his side, leaving the three of them in utter silence.

"But we have to go!" John said to break the silence. They all were looking at each other, unsure of whether to go or not - after what they have heard just now.

"We don't have options. Do we?" Hannah said with a sad pout.

Emily and John shook their head and the trio footslogged to the Willows.

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