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After everyone in the house heard about Taehyung missing, everyone decided to gather in Jin's room. Everyone knew about this news but not your parents, the elders might report it to the police right away if they knew.

"Maybe he's just blowing flowers somewhere." Jungkook said, positive as always.

"Taehyung is handsome and nice, so everything will be fine." Namjoon tried to reassure Jin who seemed so worried than anyone else.

It was getting late and he had been out of sight for three hours when he promised Jin to return before 9. Bad news, it was already 10.

"He said he was going to see the swimming pool, but I don't know where it is."

"Let me show you the way then." You stood up rather abruptly.

All of them agreed to find him there but when you were about to step out from the house, Jungkook halted.

"Wait, let me get my goggle first." He said before running back to his room.

"Are you going to find Taehyung or play?" Hoseok shook his head, hands on his waist.

"Says the one who changed into a swimsuit." Jimin scoffed, making everyone laughed in agreement.

They seemed so worried just now but once they heard about the swimming pool, they became somehow relaxed and even excited. They believed that Taehyung was just having fun in the pool.

On the way to the swimming pool, Jimin secretly looked at you, then shifted his gaze to Daniel. Both were walking at the front together but there was an obvious gap between the two of you.

Arriving there, all of you began to look around. Surprisingly, not even one human was in sight, only the sparkling blue water was there, pleasing everyone's eyes.

"No one is here." Yoongi mumbled while his eyes darted around.

The pool was so quiet and calm. Perhaps Jungkook was right about the possibility of him blowing flowers somewhere.

"Maybe he went somewhere to find something to eat." Hoseok said before running towards the pool and then tucked up his legs as he jumped in.

You quickly turned your head away when water splashed everywhere. Jungkook was the next person to jump in when Jimin suddenly gripped his shirt, asking him to stop as he saw something weird going on in the pool.

Hoseok wasn't showing up. It took him quite awhile when he finally appeared—

—with Taehyung in his arm.

"Guys! He is not breathing!" He yelled and swam faster to the edge.

Panicked, all of you immediately gathered around Taehyung after he was laid on the floor. Namjoon tried to slap his face but he wasn't responding. Worst, he wasn't breathing.

"Is there anyone here who knows how to perform CPR?!" He asked, desperate. At that moment, Jin had already started to call for medical help.

All of them shook their heads while you and Daniel began to exchange looks.

Suddenly, Jungkook knelt down and punched Taehyung on his stomach, "Hyung wake up! You haven't paid me the money you owe me!"

A small amount of water came out from his mouth. He was about to punch him again but they quickly held him back.

At that critical moment, Daniel approached you. "Let's do it. We learned how to perform it before."

Before you could even utter a word, he grabbed for your hand and dragged you along with him. He knelt beside Taehyung and pulled you down.

"I'll do the first step while you do the rest." He said and placed both his hand over the center of his chest. Using his upper body weight, he began to compress his chest continuously.

*I'll do the rest?! You mean—* your heart beated faster as your eyes trailed to his lips.

"Seren, now!" He ordered once he finished the 30 chest compressions.

Without thinking any longer you put your palm on his forehead, gently tilted his head back and then lifted his chin forward to open the airway with the other hand. After that, you pinched his nose shut and sealed your mouth over his just like what you'd been taught before. You started to blow hard until you could see his chest rose. Then, you repeated.

All of them quietly watched the two of you in amazement. Among them, one couldn't help himself but to feel a little bit jealous though he knew he shouldn't.

Both of you worked hard in order to save him and tears were visible in your eyes, feared for the failure. Nobody knew how long it took until there was finally sign of movement and help finally arrived.

Taehyung gradually regained consciousness thanks to you and Daniel. But he seemed very confused on what was going on and he wondered why his ribs hurt so much. He was told to take a rest at home and they said that he should fully recover in time.


"I'm not going to the class reunion." Daniel stated while leaning against your bedroom wall.

"Just go. They want to see you." You said while resting in your bed. Performing the CPR was exhausting but worth it.

He let out a sigh and ruffled his hair, "If my sister isn't going, then so do I."

You laughed at his statement, "By the way Daniel, you did great on saving Taehyung today."

Finally, he smiled to you. "Both of us did."

Meanwhile, Taehyung who was still a bit weak went to Jimin's room to get some snacks from him. 

"Jungkook-ah, where's Jimin?" He asked, seeing that he was all alone in the room.

Jungkook shrugged, "Probably crying in the toilet."


"Because Seren kissed you?" He raised his eyebrows at him, recalling the CPR scene.

"What?!" Taehyung widened his eyes in confusion. He wondered if he actually heard him right.

Jungkook slowly sat up and told him the whole story. Taehyung was completely clueless about it as no one actually told him that, and once he imagined the scene...

"Hyung, why is your face so red?"

My Superhero Anpanman || Park Jiminजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें