Chapter 2

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White light blared in my eyes as I stepped out of the darkness and into a diner that was at the end of the next block. It was one that was open all hours and to protect those who worked here, there were large metal bars around the service area and kitchen. Booths lined the side of the room, large windows showed the newly emerged night sky. The space wasn't overly wide but it was light and bright, looking incredibly clean.

At the end of the room was another bench seat, stools lined the counter leading up to it. The view at the counter wasn't crash hot, the wall of bars seemed rather drab. Still, vampires sat at the counter and ate their meals.

I didn't understand why this place was open of a night until I ventured in here a few weeks ago and asked. Apparently, the creatures can eat food like humans but it does nothing for them. Sometimes they can taste the flavors, sometimes they can't. As much as their lives were in danger, the owners didn't care too much. Safe behind the wall of bars, there was nothing that could get them. If the vampires set fire to the place to lure them out, they would burn in their horrid little cage.

But that hadn't happened and from what they said when I asked if they were mad, being open at this time was financially rewarding. There weren't many places that were open so those that were, did a roaring trade.

Like tonight. Crazily, this place was full. The bench seats were filled with the rambunctious creatures that were laughing and talking, enjoying the meal and the company. Silence hit the room when I stepped in and knowing what they could see in me, I slowly moved behind the creature that had brought me in here. Out on the street was safer.

The creature moved and fearing that I was going to be dragged to a table to be fed on, I kept close to him. He stopped at the table that was at the end of the narrow gap between the booths and the stools. I peeked around him to see a group of unimpressed men glaring at him.

"Beat it." He growled.

"You hold no sway here, Eldon."

"Come now, we both know that's not true. Be a good lad, take your friends and get lost."

With a huff, the male stood. He was almost as tall as the one I was trying to hide behind. A glare of annoyance was offered before he turned and stormed out of the diner, followed by his friends.

When they were gone, I quickly sat down, selecting the seat against the wall. It was much safer than the other one that backed onto another group of vampires. Pulling the sleeves over my hands, I gripped them tight for warmth, wrapping my arms around my waist.

The creature turned and looked at me, raising an eyebrow as he assessed the seating arrangement. I shrugged and pushed myself into the corner. He frowned for a moment and then sat down on the other seat, turning to the other vampires behind him.

"You can beat it too."

They moved without a word said, it made me wonder who this guy was that he could order them around without a fight breaking out. Vampires were temperamental, some were mild in their personas but others were like a powder keg waiting to be lit.

As to this vampire's persona, I had no idea. So far, he was okay, it was a positive sign. Maybe I might make it through the night.

Like all of these creatures, he was pale. The skin looked thin, a powdery white that was impossibly flawless. In my nights of hiding behind the curtains and watching the creatures as they walked past my building, I'd seen a wide variety of features. They weren't that different to us from the exterior. In fact, the vampire in front of me could easily pass as a pale human.

The strands of his inky black hair sat at the collar of his jacket, almost hidden by the darkness of the leather. Like he knew where my gaze was lingering, the vampire smiled and showed me those sharp little nightmares in his mouth. The amusement filled his dark eyes, they watched me with pure delight showing on his face.

Crimson Flame ~ Book 1 - The Royal Blood CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now