Chapter 10

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The realization that this was the capital for the entire world was a little startling but not nearly as bad as the revelation that the entire world now lived on one continent. It seemed a little odd and I think that it wasn't the complete truth. Perhaps there were settlements across the world that stayed out of view to avoid the fight. If I had the opportunity, I'd remain hidden.

Humanity really was struggling and those that educated the world were not doing them any justice by hiding the truth. I thought that across the world, many were winning the battles. It was a lie created to instill hope in us.

Alaric was just as incensed about the situation as what I was. Humans were ignorant and the vampires were using it to their advantage. It was of no surprise that Alaric was going to use it to his advantage as well.

I didn't want to think about it but I think he planned on enslaving humanity. How did that sit with me? Like a dull pain that turned over in my stomach, the sickness rising higher the more I thought about it.

We were walking through a cold and lonely street now. Silas had dropped us off at the end of the block. The largest reason was that it was a narrow street with a dead end, turning the limo around would take time and when this was done, we wouldn't have it. And, he was going back to get Nisha. Her job was going to be quicker and Silas didn't want her standing around waiting for us to return. I preferred to ensure that she was safe but we were left here and if we were done quickly then it would be us that would have to wait.

Shrugging the jacket tighter to me, I tried to keep the cold of the night away from my body but was failing miserably. It was as cold as ice tonight, sharp winds cutting a heavy path down the tiny street.

"Where are we going?" I asked softly.


Alaric pushed me into a small alcove of the shop entrance, handing something to me. I thought it was a beanie but the softness of the material made me realize that it was something entirely different. When I looked up at Alaric, I almost yelped. He was wearing a balaclava, tipping his head at me.

"Put it on."

"Why didn't we have these last night?"

"It was an opium den, Emmeline. They don't have video surveillance, they don't want the cops knowing what goes on."

"Pretty sure the cops would know," I said dryly.

"I'm sure they would too but if they raid the place, they'd have to take the surveillance tapes and they'd have a lot of history to go on. With no surveillance, they have what they find at that moment and of course, any surveillance they've done. As for the people that were there, I wouldn't worry about it. No one in that place was sober."

"And this place?"

Alaric huffed as he put things aside and continued to search through the bag.

"This place is a little more advanced. There is surveillance but it's remotely linked to another location so if the cops raid it, they find nothing."

"Is this another opium den?"


I frowned at the answer that really wasn't an answer. I know that I'd get my answer soon enough but I wanted to know what I was walking into.

"Jacket off."

Reluctantly, I took the jacket off and put on the holsters that Alaric offered. When he stood, he loaded two guns into the holsters and then turned me around to shove two guns into the back of my jeans. The cold pressed against my skin, I winced.


"Because we could need it. Have you shot a gun before?"


Crimson Flame ~ Book 1 - The Royal Blood CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now