A dramatic Interruption

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"I mean, you could've mindlinked me where you'd be having lunch."

I stuck my tongue out at Jay in response.

Julian, Leona and I had just entered the Alpha Manor, back from eating out, to find Jay and everyone else eating lunch in the dining room.

Without meaning to, my eyes involuntarily looked for Theo, but couldn't find him.

"I forgot, okay?" I grumbled, avoiding eye contact. "I'll remember the next time, I swear!"

Jay chuckled at me, ruffling my hair a little before letting me go.

Remembering about the book, I started to rush up the stairs, not paying attention to my surroundings.

I was only halfway up the stairs when I hit something hard. Very hard.

With arms...

I lost balance from the impact, flailing my arms in desperate attempt to grab anything.

Anything to stop me from falling to my doom...which was the bottom of the stairs.

I grabbed onto the thing in front of me that had arms, and held on for dear life.
As soon as I regained my balance, I let out a sigh of relief. Imagine getting injured the day before the match? I would be so annoyed at myself.

Thinking about it now, I really haven't been preparing myself as much as I usually do. Maybe I should do some last minute training with Jay and strengthen any weaknesses I might've aquired from the lack of practice.

"Erm?" A voice near my ear made me jump in alarm.

That's when it dawned on me, that I'm holding onto a person.

My nerves were suddenly on edge and my breathing quickened as I took in the person's delicious scent. I just wanted to tighten my grip on him and snuggle into his chest.

Instead I stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do. I could let go and keep walking up the stairs, so why wasn't I doing that?

It was because, as much as it scared me, it felt so right to be this close to Theo, that I didn't want to leave. Could you believe that? I actually wanted to stay.

We were a couple centemetres from each other. My forehead resting on his hard chest and his head above mine.

He titled his head so that his mouth was so close to my ear, and his cheek resting on my head.

"Where are you off to in a hurry?" He asked sounding amused. His airy breath tickled my ear as he spoke.

The words to reply got stuck in my throat as I became acutely aware of the heat radiating off him. That's how close I was to him.

I took a breath in and stepped away.

Well, I tried to.

As soon as I showed any signs of moving, he brought his arms from his side and around me in a second, caging me inbetween his arms.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise but still avoided looking at his face. He didn't need to see my increasing flushed cheeks. I could feel them heating up with shyness and embarrassment.

He removed one arm from its position and up to my face as the other held me close firmly. He put his fingers under my chin and gently titled my head up to look at him.

I let him and we finally met each other's gaze.

He was looking down at me through his long dark eyelashes, capturing me in the deep depth of his stormy blue eyes. Those eyes were taking in my face as though he'd seen it for the first time. His usual stoney expressionless face softened as every second went.

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