Killian's Father

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"This is so weird..."

I smiled at Jay, who was pouting because I was leaving.

"I can't believe I'm not going with you." He continued, walking me to the car. I stopped to give him a big hug and said, "I'll be back before you know it!"

Matt, the engineer, had arrived sometime in the night to sort out Jay's predicament with the box strapped to his neck. Poor Jay...

"Don't look so worried, I can fix it!" Matt called out from inside the house. Jay put on a smile to ease my worry, when it should've be the other way round.

"You'll be fine." I said, trying to reassure him as well as me.

Theo was already in the car, reading some documents, waiting for me to say my goodbyes. He was a little startled when Kaitlyn gave him a goodbye hug, and Magnus gave him a pat on the back. He smiled at me gleefully, flustered and overjoyed at their friendliness.

The three BlackShadowed members got into another car with my two fellow pack members, they've gotten quite close during this trip. I said my goodbyes to my family one last time before getting into the car. The driver started to drive as soon as I got in, we were on our way to the airport.

The tension between Theo and I had been unbearable since last night, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Judging by how his gaze couldn't move from my lips since early morning, I'm guessing he feels the same.

"How did you find so many tickets last minute?" I asked curiously. It's crazy how everybody was able to travel at the same time, with it being last minute and all.

"We'll be taking the jet."

I took a double-take, shocked at his response and how casually he said it.

"A...jet?" I repeated, narrowing my eyes in confusion.

"Yup, a private jet."

"You have a private jet?" I exclaimed, slapping my hand on forehead. "That's so...extra!"

He glanced up from what he was reading and said, "I guess it's quite over the top, but it originally belonged to Maxwell. He liked buying unnecessary luxury items, he had also bought a helicopter and another private jet."

"What the...?"

"I sold them, they were a waste of money. I kept one private jet for emergencies, and for when I need to attend a meeting in a different state or country." He continued, resuming his reading.

The car finally pulled up in front of the airport, at terminal two, and we all got out of the cars. Some of the warriors had most their face covered with masks, I could tell they were trying to hide the puffiness from sleeping in the car.

They looked at Theo expectantly before he strode forward and led the group. We walked to the reception desk that had a sign that read 'Private', and let Theo do all the talking. I wasn't paying much attention to what was being said until I noticed the receptionist checking out my mate.

I frowned at her blatant staring as he reached for his back pocket for his phone. She literally hasn't blinked yet, I thought. Although I had the urge to show that women that he was taken, my personality seemed to overpower that feeling.

I knew there was no reason to be insecure and mad at someone openly appreciating my mates good looks. In fact, I should be flattered that she thinks he's attractive.

"Your jet is ready for you, Mr Hunter." She said coyly, standing up. "Right this way."

She hadn't acknowledged the rest of the crew yet, her eyes never strayed from Theo other than when she glanced at the screen that was in front of her.

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