Playing Video Games

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"You miss him don't you?" Tyler asked suddenly after we were quiet for a while.

"Who?" I turned to face him, shock by his sudden question.

"Your ex boyfriend." He replied.

I shook my head and answered honestly. "No I don't."

"I saw you looking at him at the party. I assumed you were missing him and reconsidering giving him another chance."

"Of course not!" I said adamantly. I was even shock at the absurdity of the idea. Where did he get that from?

"Did you love him?" He asked, bringing me from my thoughts.

I was silent for a while. Did I love him? I have never really thought about it before. At one point I thought I did, but now, I'm not sure I ever did. One thing I knew for sure was that I did care a lot about him.

There was no question if Logan loved me though. Obviously, he didn't. I still can't believe the last few months of our relationship was a lie.

"I did care about him." I answered finally. "He was the first guy that I've ever been close to. He was my first boyfriend. Back then he was great. Believe me he was never like this."

Tyler stretched both of his foot out in front of him and rest his hand behind him. "Well, as I've said before, you know him best."

I shook my head. "Not anymore." We sat there for another minute, before I turned to face Tyler. "I should be heading home now."

"Okay." Tyler stood up and brushed his hands together. "Come on."

I didn't expect Tyler to walk me home. I mean, this time his mother wouldn't know that he left me to walk next door by myself so really, he didn't have. I didn't say anything this time though because I was glad for the company.

When we reached my doorstep, Tyler spoke up. "Good night, Kitty Cat."

I smiled. "Good night, Bats."

"Hey, that's all I get?" Tyler asked, a mischievous smirk on his lips. "I thought you would've invited me in and offer to scratch my back. You're a very mean cat."

Once again, I rolled my eyes at Tyler's usual playful banter. "Not gonna happen. You better find some other kitty cat to scratch your back tonight."


The following day, I was home alone with nothing to do. Sarah and Dad had gone out and I was bored until Victoria gets here, which is about 3:00pm. I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it was just 12:30pm.

As I lay on my bed thinking about what to do, I got a text from Tyler:

Tyler: What are you doing?

After reading the text, I sent an instant reply.

Me: I'm not doing anything. Why?

Tyler: I'm bored. Come over here.

Me: What does you being bored got to do with me?

Tyler: Because we can do something interesting together to occupy our time ;)

I rolled my eyes at that message as I can imagine Tyler smirking as he sent it.

Me: Do you always have to be a sex crazed manic?

Tyler: Ha! I wasn't, but look where your mind went 😜

Me: Haha...very funny. Okay fine, I'll be right over.

I put on my shoes quickly and left the house. When I reached over to Tyler's house, I knocked on the door. I heard him answer me from inside to come in. I opened the door and saw him laying on the living room couch with his phone in his hands.

"Okay, I'm here. What do you have in mind." I remarked as I closed the door behind me.

Tyler put down his phone and grinned at me. "Don't pretend like you're not glad for the company."

"I was doing okay by myself." I replied crossing my arms.

"Of course you were, but it's more cool to hang out with me." Tyler replied with a sly grin.

"Oh please. You're funny, you know that?" I questioned as I walked over to him.

"Yeah, that's one of my best qualities." He winked at me. He then stand up from the couch. "I have an amazing video game, but I need a partner."

"What about Seth?" I asked.

Tyler shrugged. "You're just right next door."

"You know, I've never played any video games in my life." I stated.

Tyler walked over to set up the game. "Don't worry, it's really easy. I'll show you."

After the game was set up, Tyler took a seat on the couch again and I sat beside him. I watched as he used the remote to bring up the game information. Tyler explained in details about what the game was about before he hand me a game controller. To be honest, when he explained the target of the game, it actually seems really interesting. I couldn't wait to begin.

Tyler then went on to explain how to use the game controller. When he was finished, I thought for sure that I would forget everything because it was a bit confusing. There were too many buttons to click on for different functions. However, when we actually started playing, I got the hang of it quickly.

Tyler and I played for a long time and even though he beat me every time, I really enjoyed playing the video game with him. Throughout the entire game; we laughed for every silly thing and shouted at each other about who's winning.

Now, we were just sitting on the couch after playing the last game, when we heard the front door opening. Tyler's mother stepped through the door with groceries in her hands. When she saw me, she smiled.

"Hi Emily." Rachel greeted me as she closed the door.

"Hello Rachel." I answered her, standing up from the couch.

"It's good that you're here. Would you like to stay for dinner?" She walked by me, dropping her car keys on the coffee table.

I gave her an apologetic smile. "Actually, I was just leaving. I'm expecting someone over at my house."

"Oh that's great. It was good seeing you again." She called over her shoulder as she head in the direction of the kitchen.

I smiled. "Thanks. You too." I walked to the door with Tyler following me.

Tyler opened the door for me and I went through. "Bye Tyler. I had fun." I replied waving at him.

"Of course you did." Was his response.

I laughed and shook my head as I walked over to my house.

AN: Thanks for reading another chapter!

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Until next chapter!

Stay beautiful! 😍


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