Meeting The Dad

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"I'm not leaving for home as yet. I'm going to watch a soccer game. Our team is competing against another school." Tori informed me when we walk through the halls on Thursday at the end of school.

I look over at her and lifted a quizzical eyebrow. "A soccer game? I've never seen you go to a soccer game at this school before. Since when are you interested in soccer?" I inquired.

"Stephanie invited me to come and watch her play." Tori replied.

"I didn't know Stephanie is on the soccer team." I mused just as we steppe from the school's building and out into the parking lot.

"Yes." Tori nodded. I stopped walking and turned to face her. I noticed that she was sporting a wide smile on her face.

"Why would Stephanie asked you to come and watch her play?" I asked in suspicion. I continued to look at her confused for a few seconds, before all the puzzle pieces began to fit into place in my mind. "Wait a minute. Is there something that you need to tell me?" I ask, giving her a look that says 'spill everything'.

"No. What are you talking about?" She asked, trying to look innocent.

"What's up with you and Stephanie?" I asked nudging her side teasingly. "Is there something going on between you two?"

"Nothing is going on, Emily. Stephanie and I are just friends." Tori remarked.

"Well yes, but you like her don't you?" I ask giving her a teasing look. I watched as her cheeks tinted a light shade of pink. I smiled wide at her because Tori never blushed. Oh, this was definitely something!

Just then Tyler walked passed me and slung his arm over my shoulders and continue walking. "Tyler," I accused stretching his name. "Don't you see me talking?" I ask him, trying to remove his arm from my shoulders to walk back to Victoria.

With Tyler's arm still around my shoulders, I turn around to see Victoria smiling at me. Glad for the disruption, I'll bet. She lifted her hands and waved at me. "Goodbye Emily. I'll see you tomorrow."

I finally pulled Tyler to a stop and take his hand from my shoulders. I then face Tori again. "Don't think you've escaped this, Victoria Hernandez." I warned, pointing a finger at her. "I'll pick this up tomorrow."

Tori just laughed and turned to walk in the direction of the field. I turn around to Tyler and hit him on his shoulder. "What is wrong with you?"

Tyler laughs and lifted his hands up in defence. "I was just joking. You know I like messing with you. It's fun."

I shake my head at him. "Whatever. Come on." I replied as I continue to walk. Once again, Tyler slung his arm around my shoulders and we walk to his car.

I get into Tyler's car and he drove us home. When we reached at his house, I noticed a car was parked outside the driveway.

Curiously, I turned to face Tyler. "Who's car is that?" I asked as Tyler parked his car.

"That's my Dad's car." He replied. As soon as Tyler pulled the car door, the front door opened revealing a man which I assumed to be Tyler's father. Well, he did have some slight resemblance to him. I got from the car as well and stood where I was.

The man smiled as Tyler stepped from the car. "Hey Tyler! I've been waiting for you. Come on over and say hello to your old man."

Tyler shakes his head as he walked over to his father. "Hey Dad. You didn't tell me you were coming over today." He replied as he gave his father a hug.

"Yeah, I wanted to surprise you." Tyler's father said.

I stood beside Tyler's car awkwardly watching them, before realizing that I had to go over to my house. It was really weird standing here and watching them.

As I took a step in the direction of my house, Tyler's father spoke. "Is that your girlfriend that your mom told me about?" He asked Tyler looking in my direction. He then looked back at Tyler with an accusing look. "Come on, bring her over. Were you not going to introduce your girlfriend to me?"

Tyler looks at me and beckoned for me to come over. I walked towards the front door where they stood. "Hello, I'm Emily." I introduced myself.

"Hi Emily. I'm Trenton. It's so nice to finally meet Tyler's girlfriend." He gave me a friendly smile before turning to Tyler. "She's pretty son."

I look at Tyler quizzically. I was taken aback by his forwardness. I could also see where Tyler gets his quirkiness from.

"Why are we standing out here? Let's go inside." Tyler's father said ushering us inside the house.

As we step inside, I heard Rachel's voice calling from the kitchen. "Was it Tyler?"

"Yes." Trenton replied.

Rachel walked from the kitchen. She then spotted me. "Oh, I see you've met Emily."

"Oh yes, she seems like such a nice girl." Trenton replied patting Tyler on his shoulder. "And I can see the way Tyler looks at her. He can't hide it." He looks at Tyler with a raised eyebrow. I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable at his words. "The last time I saw you this interested in a girl was when you and Andrea were dating."

At the mention of that name, I noticed Tyler stiffen. I looked at him curiously and I noticed that his mouth was set into a thin flat line. I pull my eyebrows together in confusion. Who was this Andrea person?

"So Dad, are you going to stay for dinner?" Tyler asked obviously changing the subject.

"Oh no, I actually have some business to do in Town. I was just waiting for you to get here so I could see you." He looked at his wristwatch and added. "That's the time. I have to leave now. I'll be back sometime next week for a proper visit and we'll hang out then." He lifted his fist to Tyler and Tyler gave him a fist bump.

Tyler's father then turned to me extending his hand. "It's nice to meet you Emily."

I smiled and shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you too Mr. King." I replied.

He smiled brightly and lift both eyebrows at me. "You know, you can just call me Trenton." He replied.

After Tyler's father said goodbye to everyone, he left. It was time for me to go home and Tyler offered to walk me over. As soon as he reached my front door, I turn to face him.

"Who's Andrea?" I asked out of curiosity.

Tyler looked at me for a while before he answered. "She's no one." He replied, shrugging his shoulders as if it didn't matter. But based on his reaction when he heard her name, I knew better.

"She must be someone if your mood has changed all of a sudden, but it's okay, you don't have to tell me anything." I said trying to give him his privacy.

"It's just that I'd never wanted to hear her name again." Tyler replied in a hard tone.

"Okay." I said in understanding. This topic seems like a sore one for Tyler and I understand that. I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable, so I dropped the subject. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

"Andrea was my first girlfriend whom I had loved." I heard Tyler say suddenly. I turned back to face him and he was looking right back at me. "Well, at least I thought I did."

AN: Hola!

I hope you enjoyed this one ;)

Stay beautiful! 😘


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