Chapter 12

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Liana made it to the office quickly thanks to Ethan. She felt a heavy atmosphere as soon as she entered the office. Everyone was busy and was acting strange. When she reached her department, everyone was staring at her.

"Is everything okay?" She asked her colleagues.

"Mr. Lee is here in the office today and had called some people from our department and they are not back yet." One said while biting his nails nervously.

Liana was about to say something when her Team Leader came forward and asked her to follow her to the CEO's office.

"Did I do something wrong? Is it because I was not on the desk when he was here?" She started panicking.

"Everything is good, but just a little problem." The team leader said trying to laugh but it turned out to be awkward.

When she entered the room she saw her Directors in the room and the CEO's chair was facing the other way. The room was spacious and clean. There were books on the shelves. T.V at the middle of the room and paintings around, but the room was too cold. The CEO never turned back and was facing the glass wall. Liana couldn't find any pictures of him on the SNS. She can see his brunette hair though and was wondering how tall he is. She can see some reflection of his, but not all from the glasses.

She greeted everyone in the room and awkwardly greeted the CEO who never said anything neither turned back at her. She wondered if she did something wrong that the CEO is being so cold with her.

"We got notified that how some senior colleagues of yours was ordering things around and making you do the work that you are not paid for." The Director said.

"S-sorry, i didn't get what you are trying to say."

"You are paid here to be a colorist and not as someone's assistants or worker. You are being dragged around in the office." The Team Leader said.

Liana quickly apologised.

"Why are you apologizing?" The CEO's loud and angry voice startled everyone in the room.

Liana was about to cry hearing the tone. She had no idea why he was shouting at her. Was it because she was doing other's job rather than the one she is getting paid for?

"I will never do it again. I will focus on my work and work harder as a colorist. Please do not fire me." She pleaded.

"You are not getting fired here." The team leader explained, "but the people who was bullying you are getting fired."

"Why?" She said surprised.

"What do you mean by why?" The CEO stood up but never turned to face her. He was pretty tall. Liana can see his hand tight in a fist and was very annoyed about.

"I think they deserve a second chance-"she explained.

"Deserve a second chance to bully others? Sure." The CEO said.

"They will learn lessons and then-"

The CEO sighed and said, "Marissa, do what this lady tells you to and call them back to my office once the decision is made and what happened in here, stays here." He said loud and clearly leaving no rooms for a question. Oliver could not bare how she was still taking sides of those people who treated her badly, but he gave in. Gave in too easily as soon as they left the office. He could clearly see her reflection from the glasses. He didn't mean to shout at her. He was just angry at all those people outside.

After a while they came in without Liana,they came back in with the Director and the Team Leader.

"Did you all apologise to her?" He asked them.

"We did..." the man answered. "Are they fired? Because I really hope she chose that one." He said glaring at them.

"She chose to let them stay." The Director said.

Oliver laughed but it was not those happy laugh. He knew that she will choose that because seeing Liana he figured out. She is too nice for this world.

"I hope this is a lesson for you all." He said. "Just to let you know. No one complained to me about you all. I saw what you all were doing when I was entering the building. You all are dismissed now." He said as everyone greeted and walked away except the Directors and Team Leader.

"Shift Ms. Parker to another team as they might start behaving nice with her and it will be suspicious. Send her to a team that you can trust."

The Team Leader at once said, "Should I send her to team B?" She asked.

Oliver nodded his head as approval and decided to leave.

"It was a long morning. I hope the next time I visit it won't be so problematic." He said looking at the Directors and Team Leader.

"We apologise for today and hope you will never have to come across a problem like that before."

Oliver nodded his head, put on his shades and walked out of the soon as he left the office building. Everyone sighed in relief.

Liana was working as usual, but her Team Leader walked in and said, " Liana, we are moving you to Team B as they need more help than we do." The team leader said. The people who fell into trouble knew why and was relief that they don't have to feel awkward around her, the rest was confused as their team was looking was a colorist before and now shifting her to another team.

"Someone else will be coming." The team leader explained. "She will have greater opportunity there as they need someone who is aware as an artist and colorist."

This shut the topic in the room and Liana was transferred to a new team and Liana couldn't be much happier. They treat her way better. All were young and around her age. The Team Leader was funny and welcoming towards her. She had five more colleagues who was pretty cool and was nice.

"How about a welcome party, tonight?" Jamie asked everyone in the room.

"It is Monday. We have a long week. If we get drunk,who will be showing up tomorrow?" Another asked.

"How about Friday night?" The team leader asked.

Emily clapped in excitement.

"Sounds great!" As everyone discussed where to go.

Liana for a moment felt like these people care about her and somehow felt like she belonged here. She hoped that nothing will change and that she continue to feel this warm.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give it a Vote and a share if you are enjoying this book.Happy readings!

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