Chapter 13

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It was Friday already and Team B of Colorist was really excited for the welcome party. They had decided to go for BBQ and go for Karaoke later. Liana was now more used to her work and focused well and doing great because she felt welcoming and her team members and the leader was very helpful throughout. They eat Lunch together and discuss about all sorts of things. Through out the week, she heard about every corner news in the office thanks to Bella, who is the gossip queen of the team. Liana felt weird when they discussed about the CEO, that how come he came on Monday without any notice and that he was suppose to come once a month or Mr. Kyle and Mr. Kyle already came like a week before, so everyone was wondering why he came again! Soon, that discussion died as no one had any clue. The team leader never explained either and so the team never continued the topic and so it was Friday. That evening, the team left together for dinner. Louis, who was another member suggested they should go to a BBQ place which he go often and that's how they ended up there. The night felt long as they ate and enjoyed themselves. They then went to the karaoke and was singing and laughing. Most of them was drunk, but not Liana. Liana, learnt her lessons last time and decided that it is better she stay sober rather than leave drunk with another memory that she won't remember the next day. Jamie was totally drunk and was flirting with Liana.

"You are the prettiest of all." He said slurring as he moved her hair to the side. Liana blushed.

"Home time." Emily said, as she stood up and picked up her bag. She was so drunk that she couldn't walk straight. The team leader laughed at them.

Liana walked towards the bus stop. She was feeling cold and she was sleepy. She felt like sleeping, but soon the bus came and she entered inside and sat at the back. She rest her head on the window and didn't realise that she fell asleep. She woke up by the sound of a loud thud and quickly saw that her stop was coming. She sat up straight and realised that someone's jacket was around her, she saw few more people on the bus, but didn't know whose jacket it was. The jacket was warm and cozy and it smelled great. She was not sure as no one came forward as she exited the bus. She hugged the jacket closed to her she walked her way back home,never realising that someone was following her all along.

Oliver was very much aware about Liana's welcome party as Ethan found out about it thanks to Bella. Bella, is a very open person, never keeping anything personal from the public. She tells everyone what she is doing and where she is going! She posts everything on social media.

"She isn't scared that some stalker might stalk her." Oliver thought to himself.

He was waiting in the car with Ethan outside the Karaoke place and saw how many people enter that small building.

"The building is so small, yet people go there. Isn't it suffocating?" He asked Ethan.

"It is cheaper in here." Ethan said." Many people can't afford to go to high class karaoke places."

Oliver nodded his head thoughtfully. When he saw the group of people coming out with a familiar person walking along with them. He quickly put on his cap and zip his jacket and took his coat. He expected her to go home alone and was right when she walked towards the bus stop.

"She doesn't even know that someone is following her." He thought to himself. " that is so bad. Imagine someone bad following her. She should be glad a good looking guy,who is protecting her is following her."

When she entered the bus. He was thinking if he should entered too and thought. "I am prepared for this. I was prepared when I came here tonight." As he entered cluelessly inside the bus. He thanked Ethan, who gave his bus pass to him, but he didn't know how to use it because it was his first time.

"You just tap it here." The bus driver said raising one of his eye brow and let him move back.

He was more than shock seeing that how easily she fell asleep inside the bus and got more worried.

"How can she sleep inside a bus with people in here and it is night time." He said as he saw how cold she must be feeling. He took off his coat first and unzip his jacket and put his jacket around her and then put on his coat back. Whole way, he was sitting behind her and silently protecting her without her knowing.

"She is almost home,but she is still sleeping. How do I wake her up?" He thought to himself. He didn't have any idea until he saw a high school student who was sitting right beside him but on the opposite side. He went to him and said.

"I will pay you, but can you drop your bag loudly."

The high schooler was confused and was like. "How much?"

"How about $300?" Oliver asked.

"Why don't you wake her up on your own? Did you fight with your girlfriend?" The high schooler asked.

"She is not my girlfriend."

"But you gave her your jacket and you are paying me to drop my bag to wake her up? What does that mean? Are you her stalker?" The student gasped.

"Stalker? And me?" Oliver laughed offended. "You don't know who I am? The famous comics you read. My company published them. The mobile games, you are playing now. My company made it, the electronic you use at home-"

"Are you Oliver Lee?" The student gasped.

"You talk too much. Her stop is coming."

"Can I get your phone number?" He asked.

Due to less time, Oliver had no choice but to give his business card to the high schooler and that was how the high schooler dropped his heavy bag loudly making a loud sound and waking up the girl who was sitting infront of him. He was pleased that she woke up and followed her silently to her home without her knowing. Ethan followed them throughout and when Oliver sat down inside the car. Ethan smiled at him through the mirror.

"How was the bus ride? This was your first time isn't it?"

Oliver sighed and didn't answer.

"This girl make me do the oddest things ever." He thought to himself as Ethan drove him home.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give it a Vote and a share if you are enjoying this book.Happy readings!

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