2 - My Stranger...

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He's really a mystery, isn't he?

I haven't been able to stop thinking of the incident.

It's been a week.

I still stop at the alley every day before heading home.

My mom pretty much disowned me last week because of how late I was.

Eh. I don't care, all I have to do is look at her and she'd probably start crying.

She's scared of me too.

Both of my parents are so they try to stay out of my way.

It's kinda great, I mean, I can do whatever I want.

Staring up at my ceiling now, everything seems so surreal.

I just want some fun...

Ever since I met Isaac, all the things I found fun have lost all meaning to me.

Seeing kids at school shiver in my presence.

Hearing my parents whisper about how they can't deal with me anymore.

Scaring people just in general.

It's boring now.

I still like it but it's not the same.

Ugh, I should've taken his number or something, he even offered.

I bite my lip.

Dammit. I hate regretting things.

Who is Isaac anyway?

I grin.

What's he involved in? I want to join. I want to join so bad.

To have fun like him.

It's not fair.

I sigh.

It would be perfect.

I have this urge in me itching to do something.

And now I know it has to do with Isaac.

I sit up on my bed, trying to remind myself he would probably find me crazy too if he knew how I acted without the cloak of the night surrounding us.

I'm not just some brave girl who wasn't scared of some boy with a gun.

No... I'm much worst, he couldn't handle me.

So maybe it's for the better, not seeing him again.

Eh, either way, I'm just looking for some entertainment in my life.

I don't care how I get it.


Back in hell, oops I mean school, sitting in English, half the class waits for it to start.

The kids sit across the room from me, probably coming early just to get the seats furthest away from me.

I feel more amused by the second.

This is honestly the best part of my morning, even though it's become dull, it's fine.

The bell rings and everyone files in, all quickly taking desks on the other side of the classroom.

What can I say? I'm intimidating.

The teacher walks in last, closing the door, and beginning the lesson.

I doze off.

I've already read the whole unit book she keeps under her desk.

Stole it one day cause I was bored and memorized it.

Psycho LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz