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My phone rings loud cutting through my blow dryer as I comb my hair. I pick it up off my desk, looking at the caller ID to see Isaac displayed.

My heart jumps.

Breathe, pick up the phone.

I answer the call, barely able to contain my excitement.

"Hey, I'm outside. Come out. I'm taking you to school." His deep, smooth voice caresses my ear.

"Sure. I have a surprise for you. See you then." I hang up the phone, afraid he'll ask what.

I'd probably burst it out. That won't do.

I scoop up my bag by the side of my bed, hurry out my room and skip down the stairs. My mother stands in the kitchen.

"I made breakfast-" She starts.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry. Bye." I wave to her, throwing the door open and she sighs, waving back as I shut the front door.

I guess the talk from yesterday is going to result in things like this from now on, huh? So tiresome.

A car beeps ahead of me as my mood lifts once again, seeing Isaac in his car. I try to contain my grin as I open the passenger side door. Isaac's eyes immediately widen as I take my seat beside him. Turning to throw my book bag in the backseat, I flinch back as Richie sits there. He sends me a small wave as I nod to him.

"So this was the surprise?" Isaac asks, taking a strand of my hair in his fingers. I smile, nodding.

"It looks like a fountain of blood. Beautiful." He whispers. My heartbeat races faster.

That's exactly what I thought. I hate how good this guy is at being perfect for me.

My mood sours as I glance at Richie through the front mirror.

If he wasn't here, I probably would've gotten a-

My lips are pressed hard against something warm and soft. My eyes widen as I resist the urge to gasp. As quickly as the feeling arrives, it's gone. The pounding in my chest reminds me what actually happened.

A loud cough comes from behind us as I stare doe-eyed at Isaac, who holds a hint of blush on his cheeks.

"You guys are like-like that?!" Richie asks, choking on something.

"Yeah, she's mine." Isaac sends me an unsure glance. I nod.

"Yeah, I'm all his." I can't help the cheesy grin that brightens my face.

I guess I can't kill him anymore. That might be too bad. Richie's still an option.

A warm hand covers mine, taking me out of my head. Isaac tightens his hold on me as I smile harder.

Nothing can ever take me away from this. From him.

I'd rather die.


The lunch bell rings as Isaac drags me away from the classroom. The grin on my face stays bright.

Today's been full of so much fun stuff and I haven't even seen blood.

Isaac clinging to me as we go class to class, threatening guys who glance at me, and everything else.

He's so cute. So fucking cute. I don't want another girl to even breathe around him, I guess she'd have to stop.

Isaac pulls me in under a stairwell. I didn't even know a place like this existed. It's perfect.

He pushes me against the wall, holding his arm to the side of my head as I bite my lip, holding back a giggle.

We should just fuck him.

Not here, not yet.

"Aliza, I know I've been really all over the place these past couple of days, but you make me crazy. Even more than usual. I didn't get to say it like I wanted to. Ever since I met you, something felt like it went right. You are right." He says, taking a step closer to me.

Aw, he's going to make me blush.

"I get that. I don't even feel like hurting you would be fun, cause there's so much more to do to you." I smirk, remembering the man he showed me in his basement.

So much more fun like that.

"I was scared you wouldn't understand my job or you'd be turned off by it but you weren't. Even if you were, I'd have to had made you my hostage. I can't let you get away. I won't." He smirks down at me as his words shake me to my core.

Why's he so hot? I wanna to be his hostage. Fuck, should've faked something like that.

"That's what you wanted to tell me? That's why you dragged me all the way back here?" I draw out my words, letting a finger trail down his chest, as he takes yet another step towards me.

"Fuck, you know me too well." He says, his lips inches from mine. My body trembles in wait.

Why do I love this so much?

His lips gently caress mine, softly molding into the kiss.

I don't hate this but...

My hands wrap around his nape as he brings his arms around my waist.

...rough is always more exciting.

My fingers run through his hair, pushing him even closer into the kiss as his hands at my waist squeeze tight. My back hits the wall as his lips assault mine, passion overflowing as he nibbles my lip. I slip my tongue into his mouth and he wastes to time, plunging even deeper into our tangle.

"Fuck, you're so-" He pants, diving back into the kiss. I smile, pressing my stomach against his abs.

"What?" I breathe out, able to take in half a breath before he ascends back on me.

"Per-" A ringtone cuts into our session, blaring clear and loud.

I'll kill whoever's one the other line. Better not be fucking Richard.

Isaac pulls his phone out from his back pocket, a crease in his eyebrows as he frowns, answering the phone. His red tingles lips send sparks through me.

Let me just have one more taste.

"What? Here?" Isaac asks, his tone higher pitched and almost panicked.

Isaac ends the phone call after a couple short answers. Turning to me, that glint in his eyes shines bright. I hold back a grin.

"The guys after us are in the school.  They have guns and are ready to shoot us on sight. We're ditching this town right now."
55.4k - 7/23/20

I'm officially starting this book back up for the 5th time. I'm glad to see such a positive response thank you.

Next update in two to three days.


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