Chapter 8 Part 1

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I was busy for the last few days and I absolutely refuse to post something I wasn't satisfied with. Still busy, by the way. Sigh.

Chapter 8 (Part 1)


I must've rubbed my skin raw, removing my makeup. At least now, I recognized my face... if only I could change my clothes too.

Hesitantly, I went back into the hall. I stayed on the edge of the room, not really knowing what to do now. I glanced around for Zach but was quickly diverted when someone slammed into me.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going," the panicked explanation came, as the girl grabbed my elbow to steady me.

It wasn't a big deal, I only stumbled because I wasn't paying attention.

I smiled at her, noticing the flushed cheeks and the mortified expression. She was pretty, pulled-back red hair, freckles and heavily lashed green eyes. Her small figure was sheathed in a short-sleeved white dress that gave off an innocent but charming vibe...

But her most noticeable feature was a protruding belly.

"You're pregnant." I couldn't help stating.

I was pregnant too! I wanted to say and no matter how the last events played out, finding another person carrying a baby lightened my mood like nothing can.

But it was still rude to state the obvious and the girl turned tomato red.

Her eyes lifted to my face and widened, "You—! You're Scarlett Noble!"

Did we know each other? If we did, this was bad. I hadn't the slightest idea who she was.

I smiled hesitantly when she just continued to stare at me. She looked to regain some of her composure and shyly smiled back.

"I'm sorry, that was rude."

That made the two of us.

"Yeah," I answered lamely.

Awkward silence. I stood there not really knowing what to do next.

She must've felt the same, seeing as she looked away from me. But whatever she saw next made her stiffen. And I couldn't help following her eyes.

A man and a woman were talking quite intimately in the middle of the room. The woman was laughing, clinking her wineglass to the man's. I could not see their faces from this distance but I think the girl's expression as she gazed at them sadly said it all. My eyes went to her left hand.

"Your husband?" I could not help but ask.

She jumped as if she's already forgotten about me in that brief time. There was no way she could mask the pain in those green orbs as she looked to me then glanced back to the couple.

Her lips wobbled, "I'm pathetic, aren't I?" I didn't know what to answer to that. "I absolutely begged him to take me here. But even though Marcus came here with me, I feel like the third wheel... like I don't belong here."

I bit my lip. And why was I seeing another set of people from her words? I remembered that memory of Valerie and quickly shook it off. I focused on the girl beside me.

Her lingering gaze was painful to see and I casually asked, "And the woman with him?"

"His secretary."


I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry or say 'welcome to the club!' but the foremost on my list was diverting the girl's attention. She looked like she was about to cry and I knew she'd regret making a scene here later on.

"We should sit down," I gestured to a vacated table and she nodded. I helped her take a seat and she thanked me. "Have we met before?" I finally asked, knowing it was a risk.

That seemed to do the trick, she turned to me embarrassed. "No... I know I'm not you're usual type of company." She laughed nervously, " I-I'm just plain me and all your friends are glamorous... I'm so so sorry this conversation must be so weird for you! Oh dear, I'm ranting again." She suddenly stopped, turning red before holding out her hand to me, "I'm Lily Stone, nice to meet you."

I immediately took her hand, "Scarlett. Scarlett Noble Harrington."

Lily looked relieved, "I know. You're so gorgeous in person." Then she gave my gowna once over, "Even your dress is gorgeous. I wish I could wear your clothes."

I wasn't sure if she was serious especially about the last part.

"We could exchange clothes right now if you want," I said.

She laughed, and the sound was like tinkling wind chimes—Innocent and charming.

"You're funny." But I wasn't joking, "besides, your dress probably wouldn't fit me." she gestured to her rounded stomach.

"How far along are you?" I asked, legitimately curious now. This was the first question I wanted to ask when I saw she was pregnant.

Her hand landed on her stomach, "twenty-seven weeks." She rubbed it and I immediately wanted to do the same.

Before I realized, I was raising my hand, "May I?"

Lily nodded, smiling, and I did at once. I felt movement beneath my hand.

"Did the baby just kick?" I gasped, completely amazed at the experience. Later on in my pregnancy, I was going to feel the same thing inside me too. The tiny life inside me wanting to communicate...

Her grin was infectious, "She's saying hi."

"A girl?"

My mind immediately went to my own baby.

A mini Zach, my mind whispered. Minus all his seriousness maybe. He'd be all warm and cuddly always calling me 'mama' and wanting me to carry him around. He'd be sweet, wanting kisses and hugs. He'd be a bit mischievous too, copying his father's habits. He'd probably mess up Zach's paperwork, pretending to sign them and sneak into our closet to steal Zach's shoes.

I couldn't help but smile at the idea.

"You're honestly interested in babies, aren't you?" Lily seemed amused with my reaction.

I nodded, my eyes still on her stomach. I rubbed over her dress, coaxing the baby to move just one more time for me. She did and I couldn't help my grin, "Wow."

Lily watched me closely. "You know, you're kind of different from what I expected."

I looked up, "Different? Different how?"

"Other socialites are horrified at my state. Like being pregnant is the end of the world or something because it destroys their body figure or whatever," she gestured to me, "but you're not like that. And with the tabloid stories about you, I really thought you'd be like them."

Tabloid stories?

My eyes lifted to Lily's, my heart suddenly pounding. My mind drifted to the reporter earlier before Zach pulled me away.

I tried to sound casual when I asked "Which ones?"

Her eyebrows scrunched up, "You know... Those stories about—"


A huge shadow suddenly loomed over us, effectively cutting our conversation. 

I hope you're not too frustrated that nothing's being revealed about Scarlett's past... At least not yet *wink wink*

And if you do appreciate the story, do vote and comment. I especially love thoughts from readers. Lots and lots of love to you guys!

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