Chapter 34 Part 1

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Let me post just one chapter.  I just have to. I probably won't be logging on to my account until after the pre-board exams after this. And well, thank you to that person who messaged me:)

hi, Dawnios!

Chapter 34 Part 2


I didn't know the man from the accident. He wasn't anyone I knew at present.

Lightning illuminated everything in that split second--

He had the greenest eyes I'd ever seen. His light-colored skin pasty because of the freezing cold. His shirt muddy from our ordeal, and his hair sticking to his forehead was an indeterminate color. He stood over me by the open passenger door.

The realization that he came back for me filled me with horror.

"W-w-why are you s-still here?  If Z-Zachary sees... y-you here with me, he'd k-kill you."

He dodged my words.

"We have to get you out of here,"

He'd started pulling at my stiff arm. Even the smallest movement hurt, made me wince. I'd already stayed too long in this weather, My body like a block of ice and my muscles groaning in protest.

When I whimpered, he cursed. "Can you move, Scar?"

I honestly couldn't. The shock of the accident had taken all strength from my legs. So I merely stared at him, shaking from my spot. The wind blew in the iciest of breezes and I could see he was shaking too. Rivulets of rain pelted down on both of us through the shattered windshield.

Even talking was an effort. "W-why did you come back? Y-you have t-t-to go."

He ignored my words, trying and repeatedly failing to dislodge my seatbelt. His hands continued to slip and I watched the frustration mount in those desperate green eyes. His actions without care for the cut in his arm. It was probably from that shattered windshield and it was as if he didn't even feel  the wound.

I'd never seen him this way before, never thought to watch the arrogance completely leave his carefree face to be replaced by grim. He was always smirking, one eyebrow raised as if he knew something everyone else in the room didn't. Nothing fazed him. The life of the party, always twisting the crowd around his finger.

A muscle jumped on his cheek as he gritted his teeth in effort. And painfully, I watched as the determination little by little trickle off his handsome face, slowly being replaced by discouragement. He was obviously  tired but still forcing his body to the limit.

I had to close my eyes because I couldn't take the sight anymore. Hot tears springing from behind my frozen eyelids.

He didn't have to be here. But he was. That I knew it was because of me that he was still here was a solid slap in the face. That I'd almost died didn't seem like the big deal. I knew this was my punishment. But the fact that I almost took another person with me in the process did.

That was the wakeup call.

Everytime, I always thought I'd immuned myself from feeling guilt and time and time again, I was always proven wrong.

"You w-were safely gone," I sounded accusing even to my own ears, "y-y-you shouldn't h-have re-turned."

It was as if he didn't hear me. And it was just another stab to the chest.

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